Strengthen See also Strength strengthen me … only this once, Judg. 16:28. strengthen thee out of Zion, Ps. 20:2. Lord … shall strengthen thine heart, Ps. 27:14 (31:24). Strengthen ye the weak hands, Isa. 35:3. thy God: I will strengthen thee, Isa. 41:10. strengthen thy stakes, Isa. 54:2 (Moro. 10:31). strengthened the hands of the wicked, Ezek. 13:22. I will strengthen them in the Lord, Zech. 10:12. when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren, Luke 22:32 (D&C 108:7). strengthened with might by his Spirit, Eph. 3:16. do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me, Philip. 4:13. Strengthened with all might, Col. 1:11. God … make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, 1 Pet. 5:10. he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, 1 Ne. 17:3. Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up, Mosiah 24:15. Lord did hear their cries, and did strengthen them, Alma 2:28. teacher’s duty is to … strengthen them, D&C 20:53. strengthen them and prepare them, D&C 31:8. have strengthened up the church, D&C 37:2. go forth among the churches and strengthen them, D&C 50:37. strengthen the body and to enliven the soul, D&C 59:19. her stakes must be strengthened, D&C 82:14 (133:9).