as they sought wisdom they might be instructed, D&C 1:26.
receive admonition of him, D&C 6:19.
inasmuch as they receive thy teachings, D&C 28:8.
he that receiveth not my gospel receiveth not me, D&C 39:5.
ye are to be taught from on high, D&C 43:16.
he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more, D&C 50:24.
Lord requireth … a willing mind, D&C 64:34.
they are willing to be guided, D&C 101:63.
churches … willing to hearken to my voice, D&C 101:75.
that my people may be taught more perfectly, D&C 105:10.
Whosoever receiveth my word receiveth me, D&C 112:20.