Temporal See also Marriage, Temporal things which are seen are temporal, 2 Cor. 4:18. brought down into captivity … both temporally and spiritually, 1 Ne. 14:7 (Mosiah 4:26; 18:29; Alma 42:7; Morm. 2:15; D&C 14:11; 24:3). final state of the soul after the death of the temporal body, 1 Ne. 15:31 (Alma 11:42; 12:24; D&C 29:42; Moses 6:63). representation of things both temporal and spiritual, 1 Ne. 15:32 (22:3; Hel. 14:16). by the temporal law they were cut off, 2 Ne. 2:5. stand in need, both spiritual and temporal, Alma 7:23. fall had brought … spiritual death as well as a temporal, Alma 42:9. created I them; yea, all things both spiritual and temporal, D&C 29:31. in the likeness of that which is temporal, D&C 77:2. earth during … its temporal existence, D&C 77:6. order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints, D&C 89:2. office of a bishop is in administering all temporal things, D&C 107:68 (107:71). all the sons of Noah should be saved with a temporal salvation, Moses 7:42.