Sharpen Your Study Skills

Sharpen Your Study Skills

children studying


Do you want to get more out of your classes? Remember more of what you learn and read? Sharpen your study skills! Having good study habits is a great way to obey the Lord’s command to “seek learning” (see Doctrine and Covenants 109:7).

Goal Description

Develop good study skills.

Goal Ideas

  • Set a study schedule. Block off time to study new material. Stick to your schedule and practice eliminating distractions!

  • Learn ways to be a good note taker. Take notes in class and then review your notes later that day.

  • When you’re in a class that encourages verbal participation, make at least one comment in the discussions or think of at least one question to ask each time. This may be tough if you’re shy, but it can help you remember what you learn.

  • Participate in an effective study group. If you can’t find an effective study group, organize one.

  • If you’re studying reading material for a test, write your own test questions as you go. You can write a question for every paragraph or every few lines on a piece of paper and then try to answer them all when you’re done.

  • Create your own goal.

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