Social Media: How to Share Your Beliefs Both Kindly and Boldly
September 2020

Social Media: How to Share Your Beliefs Both Kindly and Boldly

We’re encouraged to share our beliefs on social media, but how can we do so openly and respectfully?

Woman looking at phone

We no longer live in a world where missionary work is limited to sharing a gospel message in person. Social media now gives us the ability to share our beliefs immediately with people all over the world—what an amazing gift!

But if you’re anything like me, sometimes you’ll avoid commenting or posting anything about your beliefs on social media because you’re scared of starting a conflict. Your standards may be different from those of your Facebook friends and followers. It can be uncomfortable to share something that’s so important to you with the risk that it could be attacked and derided by others.

It’s normal and understandable to be anxious over what might happen, but the Lord commands us to be “not afraid” and “of a good courage” (Joshua 1:9). We shouldn’t let the fear of confrontation stop us from sharing truth on social media. Here are six tips for respectfully sharing your beliefs online.

1. Examine your motives

I have friends who post about topics I agree with, but in a tone I disagree with. Before you post something, you should ask yourself, “Why am I posting this?” Are you posting so people think you’re righteous? Are you posting to purposely cause contention or drama? Or are you truly focusing on your true testimony as led by the Spirit? When people see and feel that your motives are pure, they’re more likely to listen to your message.

2. Choose the right time and the right way to share your beliefs

Social media isn’t always the best place to share every single one of your beliefs. If you have a specific message to share that you think will benefit a smaller group of people, sharing your testimony in person or through a private message can be more appropriate. If you’re posting something about a charged topic that many people are arguing about, make sure the timing of your post is appropriate and considerate. This could mean waiting a few days or weeks to avoid adding to the argument. Respectfully sharing your take on a situation is much different than posting a thinly veiled rebuttal to something a friend posted.

3. Create posts that are simple and conducive to the Spirit

Remember that people are probably less likely to read through a long post detailing everything you think and feel. Sharing a few meaningful thoughts is much more likely to be read and internalized. As Alma teaches, “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass; … by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls” (Alma 37:6–7). Attaching a beautiful picture of the Savior or a temple or something relating to what you’re sharing will also make it more likely that your post will be noticed and appreciated. A beautiful picture can be conducive to the Spirit, which softens hearts and helps people feel less combative.

4. Make your social media platforms a place for you to share your beliefs

Have you ever seen a social media account where the only things shared are funny memes and jokes? I personally love following those, but it would be strange if they suddenly started sharing spiritual thoughts each day. I also have some friends who never post anything besides the occasional angry rant about some issue that’s been bothering them. These posts almost always encourage contention.

Conversely, when someone cultivates their social media platform to be a place where sharing beliefs is normal and expected, their ideas will likely be much better received. I’m not saying that your whole account needs to be dedicated to your testimony (please share those funny memes), but your social media platforms should have some indication of your faith. If you’re not currently in the habit of sharing gospel content regularly, start small. Maybe share a scripture or something you learned from Come, Follow Me once a week or once a month. Your friends and followers will see that you’re just genuinely sharing a part of your life. When people know that you’re comfortable with sharing your beliefs, they will be more comfortable when you want to share your testimony about something that may be a hotly discussed topic.

5. Share personal experiences and testimony

Do you remember when Alma had to face the anti-Christ Korihor? (See Alma 30.) Korihor’s beliefs were completely opposite to those of Alma, and Korihor had no desire to listen to him or change his views. Seeing this, Alma showed us the power of bearing personal testimony. After Alma bore his testimony to Korihor, Korihor finally admitted that he’d been deceived.

I’m not saying that bearing your testimony will always reach the hearts of those reading your posts on social media, but while people might disagree with your beliefs, they can’t argue against your personal experiences. Instead of arguing that a belief is wrong, you can simply share what you believe is right through your testimony. Social media shouldn’t be used as your own personal soapbox, but rather as a tool in your personal missionary work.

6. Remember that not everyone will always agree with you

Jesus Christ was the perfect missionary. He was kind, caring, and sensitive to the needs and thoughts of others, but people still disagreed with His doctrine (see 1 Nephi 19:9). Similarly, no matter how hard you try to be respectful, people won’t always agree with you.

While you can’t decide how others react, you can decide how you react. Follow the Spirit to know when you should respond to comments that aren’t respectful. You can agree to disagree or find some common ground. If someone’s really trying to stir up contention, you can always delete the comment, unfriend the person, or unfollow their posts until tempers have cooled off. But try not to let contention discourage you. As you share your faith online, you may find opposition, but the Lord says, “Blessed are [you] who are persecuted for my name’s sake, for [yours] is the kingdom of heaven” (3 Nephi 12:10). All our efforts to share the gospel are counted.

Follow Christ’s Example

Sometimes it can feel like an impossible balancing act to be both kind and bold while sharing the gospel on social media—or anywhere, for that matter. But luckily for us, we have the perfect example to follow. Jesus Christ had experience after experience where He had to stand firm in His beliefs and fearlessly share with others who disagreed or simply didn’t understand. At times, He had thousands of “followers” (see Matthew 15:29–39), and other times He had none. Once, He even felt to ask His disciples, “Will ye also go away?” (see John 6:66–67). He knows how we feel as we strive to share His gospel, and He helps us as we strive.

The fear of contention shouldn’t stop us from sharing our beliefs on social media. After all, it’s worth the risk. As we share our faith “in normal and natural ways,”1 our friends and family will have more opportunities to take a step toward Christ. If we can do that, “how great shall be [our] joy”! (Doctrine and Covenants 18:15).


  1. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Sharing the Gospel in Normal and Natural Ways,” Inspiration (blog), Aug. 16, 2019, blog.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
