Come, Follow Me
Learning and Teaching Ideas

Learning and Teaching Ideas

The Savior used the scriptures to teach and testify about His mission. He taught people to ponder the scriptures and use them to help answer questions. He helped them discover gospel lessons in their own experiences and in the world around them by using examples that they could relate to. He invited them to become witnesses of His teachings by teaching and testifying to others and in this way deepen their understanding of the doctrine.

Part of your responsibility as a teacher of youth is to prepare learning activities that follow these principles exemplified by the Savior. Click the links on the left to see ideas that you can use to help the youth search the words of the prophets, see examples of the principles you are teaching, and share the gospel with others. You can adapt these ideas to any lesson topic.

As you plan activities, remember that one of your main objectives in teaching youth is to encourage them to share what they learn. As youth express gospel truths, these truths are confirmed in their hearts and minds by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sharing the gospel with others also allows the youth to strengthen one another—hearing a gospel truth from a peer is sometimes more powerful than hearing it from a leader or teacher.
