How can I use the words of living prophets and apostles to strengthen my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

How can I use the words of living prophets and apostles to strengthen my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ?

Like the prophets of old, prophets and apostles today testify of Jesus Christ and invite all to partake of His Atonement. They are called to be “special witnesses” of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost bears witness when living prophets and apostles testify of Christ, and we are blessed when we live by their teachings.

Prepare yourself spiritually

How have the words of living prophets and apostles strengthened your faith in Jesus Christ? Which talks, books, or articles by the prophets and apostles have helped you come to know Him better?

What recent conference addresses would help the youth strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ? How can you encourage the youth to search the words of living prophets and apply them to their lives?

As you prayerfully study the words of prophets and apostles, what do you feel will strengthen the faith of the youth you teach?

Jacob 7:11–12; Mosiah 13:33–35; 15:11–12 (All prophets testify of Jesus Christ)

D&C 27:12; 107:23 (Apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ)

D&C 76:22–24 (Joseph Smith’s testimony of Jesus Christ)

Bible Dictionary, “Apostle

David A. Bednar, Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2015, 128–31

Jeffrey R. Holland, “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 104–6

Quentin L. Cook, “We Follow Jesus Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 83–86

The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles,” Ensign or Liahona, Apr. 2000, 2–3

Videos: “Lifting Burdens,” “Elder and Sister Bednar—Gift of Discernment,” Segments from Special Witnesses of Christ

Teaching in the Savior’s way

Jesus knew those He taught and knew who they could become. He found unique ways to help them learn and grow. What experiences can you help the youth have that will inspire them to treasure and remember the words of living prophets and apostles?

Invite Us to Act

Video: “Invite Us To Act”

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Make connections

During the first few minutes of every class, help the youth make connections between things they are learning in various settings (such as personal study, seminary, other Church classes, or experiences with their friends). How can you help them see the relevance of the gospel in daily living? The ideas below might help you:

  • Ask the youth to share recent learning or teaching experiences they have had outside of class.

  • Invite the youth to read the entry “Apostle” in the Bible Dictionary and find phrases that describe the role of an Apostle. As a class, find and read scriptures (such as those suggested in this outline) that show that prophets and apostles are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. What impresses the youth about these scriptures?

Learn together

Each of the activities below can help the youth understand how the words of living prophets and apostles can strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. Following the guidance of the Spirit, select one or more that will work for your class:

  • Provide class members with copies of the section titled “An Additional Lesson” from Elder David A. Bednar’s talk “Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name.” Invite them to select and share a quotation from a modern prophet or apostle that helps them understand the Savior’s Atonement. As they share the quotations they found, encourage them to plan ways they could share their thoughts with someone they know, such as through a letter, in a text message, or by posting on social media.

  • As a class, review the most recent general conference talks, looking for places where members of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve teach or testify of Jesus Christ and His Atonement (you could use the topical index in the general conference issue of the Ensign or Liahona). What impresses the youth about the testimonies of the prophets and apostles? Consider sharing how these testimonies strengthen your own faith in the Savior.

  • On the board, write, “The Atonement of Jesus Christ.” Give each class member a copy of either Elder Jeffrey R. Holland’s talk “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet” or Elder Quentin L. Cook’s talk “We Follow Jesus Christ.” Ask the youth to make a list of things they learn about the Savior’s Atonement from the talks. Invite them to write on the board a one-sentence summary of what they learned, and ask each youth why he or she found that teaching meaningful.

  • Show one or more of the videos suggested in this outline, or ask class members to take turns reading parts of “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.” Invite the youth to listen or look for statements that strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. Encourage the youth to share how these messages could strengthen the faith of their friends and family members.

  • Encourage the youth to memorize a phrase that they find meaningful in “The Living Christ: The Testimony of the Apostles.” Ask the youth to write about how their faith in Jesus Christ would be different if they did not have the teachings of the living prophets and apostles. Give them time to share what they wrote.

Ask the youth to share what they learned today. Do they understand how the words of the living prophets can strengthen their faith in the Atonement? Do they have any additional questions? Would it be worthwhile to spend more time on this topic?

Teaching tip

“You can help those you teach feel more confident about their ability to participate in a discussion if you respond positively to [their comments]. For example, you might say, ‘Thank you for your answer. That was very thoughtful’ … or ‘That is a good example’ or ‘I appreciate all that you have said today’” (Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 64).

Invite to act

  • Invite the youth to share any impressions they have had during class. How is their faith in Jesus Christ strengthened when they study the words of living prophets and apostles? How can you encourage them to act on what they learned?

  • Share your testimony that the living prophets and apostles are special witnesses of Christ.
