Come, Follow Me
Prophets and Revelation

Prophets and Revelation

“We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (Articles of Faith 1:9).

The outlines in this unit will help each young woman learn to recognize the voice of the Lord as He speaks to her through the scriptures, living prophets and apostles, and personal revelation by the Holy Ghost to her heart and mind. Help the young women learn to love and trust the word of the Lord so that when they are faced with trials or difficult decisions—now and in the future—they will naturally and automatically turn to the scriptures, prayer, and the words of the living prophets for guidance.

Outlines to Choose from This Month


Consider how you can plan activities that connect with what the youth are learning. The Church’s Youth Activities site is available to assist you. Many of the learning activities in these outlines could also serve as effective Mutual activities. Work with class presidencies to select and plan appropriate activities that reinforce what the young women learn on Sunday.

Personal Progress

The following experiences from Personal Progress relate to the lessons in this unit:
