Молитва посвящения

Храм в Аделаиде, Австралия, 15 июня 2000 г.

Beloved and Eternal Father, we Thy covenant children bow before Thee in reverent prayer on this historic day. We feel so profoundly blessed in having this sacred temple in our midst so that we might more fully serve Thee in faith and in obedience to Thy divine will. Thou hast heard our prayers and answered them with this magnificent blessing.

Acting in the authority of the eternal priesthood which Thou hast bestowed upon us, and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we dedicate this the Adelaide Australia Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto Thee and unto Thy Beloved Son as the House of the Lord.

Accept of our offering we humbly ask Thee. It is our gift to Thee in response to Thy revealed will that we should build such houses that the great work of salvation may go forward, not only for the living, but also for the numberless generations of the dead. They will be made to rejoice because of the ordinances which will be administered herein. They will rise from the bondage of the past, shake off the fetters which have bound them, and move forward on the way of immortality and eternal life.

All that is done here will be in recognition of the immortality of the human soul. Because of the atoning sacrifice of our Redeemer, Thy Beloved Son, the great gift of everlasting life is made available to us, as well as to the generations who have gone before us. We are blessed by Thy great plan of happiness. Help us to live worthy of the blessings Thou hast promised those who walk in obedience to Thy commandments and hold Thy name sacred before the world.

Dear Father, we dedicate and consecrate this entire structure, the ground on which it stands, and all of the rooms and facilities found herein. May no unclean hand or impure heart desecrate this sacred edifice. May none unworthily breach its portals. It is Thy house, and we recognize that it must be maintained in holiness.

We are grateful for this nation of Australia, where there is freedom of worship, freedom of assembly, and freedom to take upon ourselves the name of our Divine Redeemer, and to keep sacred the covenants which we make with Him.

We express our profound thanks for the Prophet Joseph Smith to whom Thou didst reveal Thy will and Thine authority. Based on these revelations, there will be carried forward in this house a great work of redemption in behalf of the dead, many of whom have waited long for these saving ordinances. May this be a day of rejoicing on both sides of the veil, and may all who have the privilege of working here feel the obligation and responsibility of this great vicarious service.

We remember before Thee all who serve in Thy kingdom wherever it may be established. May it roll forth to fill the earth as a small stone cut from the mountain without hands rolls forth to fill the earth. We remember the missionaries of Thy Church and pray that their testimonies may ring as with Thy divine voice. May they have the power and the capacity to find those who will accept the truth, and to teach them the doctrine which will bring gladness to their hearts, and to the hearts of the generations who have gone before them.

We pray that Thy blessings may rest upon the temple presidency and the matron and her assistants, and upon all who serve here in whatever capacity. May all count it a great privilege and may they give of their time and their energy in a spirit of overwhelming love for Thee and Thy Son. Give them strength and vitality according to their need. Accept of their consecrated service.

Now all that we have and are we place in Thy hands as Thy sons and daughters, praying that Thou wilt accept of our love and that Thou wilt smile upon us as those who have sought to accomplish Thy divine will, we humbly ask in the name of the Savior of all mankind, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.