Храм в Брисбене, Австралия, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Брисбене, Австралия, 15 июня 2003 г.

O Lord God omnipotent, Thou great Elohim, we come before Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, to dedicate this Thy holy house.

We thank Thee for the marvelous blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for Thine appearance and that of Thy Son to the boy Joseph to part the curtains which had remained closed through centuries of time and to usher in this last and final dispensation. We thank Thee for the marvelous witness of the Book of Mormon of the divinity and reality of the Savior of the world. We thank thee for the restoration of the priesthood with all of the authority and keys thereof and for the establishment of Thy Church. We thank Thee for the great faith of Thy people from the very beginning, many of whom have given their very lives in testimony of the truth of this marvelous work.

We thank Thee for Thy sons and daughters who have extended the blessings of Thine eternal plan of happiness to all who would accept their message. We thank Thee for the strength of Thy work in this good land. We thank Thee for other houses of the Lord on the soil of this nation and are grateful to now have this beautiful structure in this great city of Brisbane together with the accompanying chapel and other facilities. On this Sabbath morning our hearts reach up to Thee in gratitude and love.

Now divine Father, in the sacred name of Thy Son and in the authority of the holy priesthood which comes from Thee, we dedicate and consecrate this the Brisbane Australia Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it unto Thee and unto Him and pray that Thou wilt accept of it as the offering of our hands for the accomplishment of Thine everlasting purposes.

We dedicate the grounds on which it stands with their beautiful vegetation. We dedicate the structure from the footing to the figure of Moroni, the walls, the windows, and all of the features of this marvelous edifice.

We dedicate the beautiful baptismal font representative of the molten sea of Solomon's temple. May this font be sacred to all who shall enter its waters, here to be immersed in behalf of those beyond the veil of death. This sacred ordinance was spoken of by Paul of old, and in this dispensation declared by Thee to be necessary to assist in bringing to pass Thine eternal work in behalf of Thy sons and daughters of all generations.

We dedicate and consecrate the endowment rooms where instruction is given concerning Thy great eternal plan. We dedicate and consecrate the beautiful celestial room and the area whereby it is entered. May this be a place of peace and reflection concerning Thy work and the work of our Redeemer. For those who come here may it be a foretaste of the things of heaven.

We dedicate and consecrate the sealing rooms. Here Thy holy priesthood will be exercised to bind in the heavens that which is bound upon the earth and to give assurance of the eternal nature of the family. May those who kneel at these sacred altars do so in righteousness before Thee whether they be acting in their own behalf or in behalf of the deceased.

We dedicate and consecrate every feature of this beautiful structure for the purposes for which they were designed. May they serve well the needs of Thy faithful Saints. May all who come within these walls be worthy before Thee to enter into Thy presence. We pray that Thou wilt deign to visit this sacred edifice and likewise Thy Beloved Son. May Thy Holy Spirit always dwell here and be felt by all who serve here.

Dear Father, we pray that Thou wilt keep this sacred structure safe from the elements of nature and from the evil hand of any who might be inclined to defile it in any way. May it be looked upon by those who pass this way as Thy holy house, even the House of the Lord.

Incline the hearts of Thy people to come here frequently to engage in Thy service. May they love this Thy house and find sweet communion here.

Bless those who preside over this temple and all who assist them that they may have strength and energy to carry the work forward, and may they find great joy in this sacred service.

Now, Father, this structure has been made possible by the consecrations of Thy people throughout the earth. They consecrate their tithes in faith and obedience to Thy command. Wilt Thou bless them. Wilt Thou open the windows of heaven and shower down favor upon them that they shall not lack the things of earth or heaven, but that all their needs may be met and that they may be prospered in righteousness.

We pray for those who have been called as leaders in Thy Church that Thou wilt grant unto them health and energy and the capacity to do that which is expected of them. May they never shrink from their duty, but constantly keep that duty before them as a pillar by day and a fire by night.

As was asked for at Kirtland, may "thy Church . . . come forth out of the wilderness of darkness, and shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners;" (D&C 109:73).

Now, Father, as we dedicate and consecrate this Thy temple, we also dedicate the neighboring chapel.

We thank Thee for it. We thank Thee for the building which preceded it and which served Thy purposes well. Now this new meetinghouse has been erected to house Thy Saints in their worship services and in other activities which will go forward within this sacred structure. We dedicate it unto Thee and Thy Son for the purposes for which it has been erected. May testimony and declarations of doctrine and faith ring from the pulpit of the chapel. May it be a place of beautiful music, of solemn prayers, of the partaking of the sacrament of the supper of the Lord in remembrance of Him and His great atoning sacrifice, and as a gathering place where Thy people may assemble to learn of Thee and Thy ways.

We pray that the classrooms may likewise be schools of instruction where those of all ages may learn the truths of Thy great restored work. May the cultural hall be a place of sociability where Thy Saints may mingle together with respect and love one for another. May all of the facilities be acceptable unto Thee and kept sacred for the use of Thy faithful Saints as they gather together to worship and mingle in righteousness before Thee.

We pray that Thou wilt likewise bless the surrounding grounds.

May those who pass this way always feel welcome. May those expressing interest in Thy Church find warm friendship and gracious love within the halls of this beautiful structure.

O Lord God of Israel, may glory and honor and praise and worship always be found in these sacred premises of temple and meetinghouse. May Thy Holy Son be here remembered and here worshiped by generations of Latter-day Saints. May these sacred structures be recognized and respected by the people of this great city. May Thy blessings rest upon this nation, this land of freedom where liberty is cherished and the right of worship is safeguarded.

For all of these blessings we feel to pray as we solemnly meet together on this day of dedication in the name of our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord and our King, even Jesus Christ, amen.