Храм в Каракасе, Венесуэла, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Каракасе, Венесуэла, 20 августа 2000 г.

Almighty Father, Thou great Elohim, we bow our heads before Thee in solemn prayer on this day of dedication. We are met to present unto Thee and to Thy Beloved Son this beautiful temple which has been erected as the House of the Lord. We are grateful for its presence. We thank Thee that we have been found worthy to have this sacred edifice in our midst.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the restored gospel of Jesus Christ with all of the blessings that flow therefrom. We thank Thee for the fulness of the everlasting priesthood, by which authority we act this day.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the authority of this priesthood we dedicate unto Thee, our Father and our God, and to our Savior, Thy Beloved Son, this the Caracas Venezuela Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We consecrate it for thy divine purposes and pray that Thou wilt accept it and let Thy favor rest upon it.

We dedicate the grounds which surround it, the footings and the foundation, the walls and windows, the figure of Moroni which crowns the steeple, the beautiful Baptistry, the endowment rooms, the sacred celestial room, the sealing rooms with their altars, and every other facility in this Thy house.

We pray that it may ever be sacred to all who look upon it and to all who serve within its walls. May it be reverenced as Thy divine abode. May it be sanctified as Thy dwelling place. May it be used in furthering Thy divine, eternal work in behalf of the living and the dead.

May the ordinances which are administered here be held sacred by all who receive them. Increase the understanding of and appreciation for these great and sacred activities which are eternal in all of their consequences.

May all who serve in the Baptistry, whether they be workers or patrons, do so with reverence and respect for those who have gone before. May they recognize Thy divine providence in providing for those beyond the veil of death, even those who were denied while they lived, the blessings of baptism and confirmation administered under proper authority.

May all who participate in the endowment service have added to their understanding concerning this most significant gift from Thee. May the covenants which they make be binding upon them as promises made unto Thee. May all who kneel at the altars of this Thy house and receive the sealing ordinances of the gospel recognize the everlasting consequences of that which they do. May they ever after live worthy of the great blessings which will flow therefrom.

Dear Father, please endow with power from on high those who come to this house before going out into the world to preach Thine everlasting gospel. May the endowment which they receive bring them power and understanding, and the companionship of Thy Holy Spirit as they go across the earth to teach that which Thou has restored in this the dispensation of the fulness of times.

Bless all who serve in this Thy house. May the president and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, be granted strength and vitality to carry forward and direct the great work to be performed here. May the workers and all who contribute in any way to the solemnity and spirit of Thy house be blessed in their ministry. Touch the hearts of all who come as patrons that they may recognize that they stand in holy places as they serve in Thine abode.

We pray for this great nation of Venezuela. May it hold its place among the sovereign nations of the earth. May its people be blessed and prospered. May they enjoy freedom to worship Thee without molestation of any kind. Bless the leaders of the nation with wisdom and understanding, and a great desire to serve the needs of the people.

We pray for Thy work wherever it may be established. May it grow and strengthen. May its numbers be increased, and its influence be felt throughout the world. Wilt Thou bring it forth "out of the wilderness of darkness," that it may "shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners" (D&C 109:73).

Smile with favor upon us we humbly ask Thee. Wilt Thou watch over us and lead us gently and with love as a shepherd leads his sheep we humbly pray as Thy thankful children, in the name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.