Храм в Гонконге, Китай, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Гонконге, Китай, 19 июня 2022 г.

O God, our Eternal Father in Heaven, gratefully we gather on this sacred occasion to rededicate the Hong Kong China Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Dear Father, we love our ancestors and family in each generation. We express gratitude for their faith and strength, their examples and life lessons. We seek to learn from their virtues and sacrifices, their rich legacies and heritages.

We thank Thee that our family generations can have roots and branches; that the hearts of our fathers and the hearts of our children can turn to each other in honor and love; and that our most cherished family relationships can continue beyond this life.

Dear Father, begun in these latter-days through Thy Prophet Joseph Smith, the restoration of Thy gospel fulness continues. Thy infinite love and the redeeming grace of Thy Beloved Son bless Thy children in every nation, kindred, and tongue, in every era and circumstance. Thy great plan of happiness and the Atonement of Thy Son Jesus Christ make it possible for individuals who so desire to return to Thy presence and for families to be united eternally. Dear Father, we are grateful that, through loving service in temples such as this one, we can offer our ancestors and family generations Thy eternal blessings.

Dear Father, we express gratitude for the faithful lives of devoted Latter-day Saints who will come to this temple from Hong Kong and other lands. These devoted Church members are good neighbors and good parents. They honor, obey, and sustain the law. They exemplify moral virtues and uplifting values. They humbly contribute as positive influences in their societies and communities. We pray for Thy blessings of mutual respect, peace, harmony, and prosperity among all nations.

We thank Thee, O God, for prophets who guide us in these latter-days. We remember President Gordon B. Hinckley who in May 1996 dedicated this beautiful temple. We sustain President Russell M. Nelson who has loved and served the people in this vast area throughout his life and by whose assignment we re-dedicate this House of the Lord today.

Now, dear Father in Heaven, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Thy Beloved Son, we rededicate this Hong Kong China Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as Thy house and the house of Thy Beloved Son for the performing of sacred service for those on both sides of the veil. We dedicate this temple from its foundation to its crown. We dedicate its electrical, mechanical, and other building systems, including its peaceful grounds. We dedicate every place of this temple for its sacred work, its instruction and ordinances, its administration.

Dear Father, we express gratitude for all who have worked to remodel this beautiful temple. We express gratitude for each person who faithfully and generously contributes tithes and offerings to advance Thy work. Please watch over this temple. Protect it from harm, whether natural cause or unhallowed hand or intent.

Let this temple always be a place of purity and holiness. Let this temple and its grounds be a place of contemplative reverence amidst a great city. Please bless all who come here with the joys and challenges of daily living that each may feel Thy peace, comfort, assurance, and inspiration.

Heavenly Father, may each who serves here be drawn to Thee and Thy Son Jesus Christ. Please bless our rising generation children, youth, and young adults; our faithful senior members; our recent converts; our multi-generational family members; those who travel many miles to come and those who live close to this temple. Please, dear Father, smile on each. Please sanctify our sacrifices, faith, and dedication. May unselfish service here strengthen our testimonies as we consecrate our hearts and hands to Thee and Thy Beloved Son.

Please bless the temple presidents and matrons, temple presidencies and assistants to the matron, and all who will faithfully serve as workers and patrons. May the hearts of all who worship and serve here be knit together in love.

As we rededicate this temple, we also rededicate ourselves. Please help us live with even more faith and righteousness; even more love and kindness for families and neighbors; and even more care for those in need. Heavenly Father, let this House of the Lord be a place of light, a beacon of truth and testimony. May we cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God and for Thy arm to be revealed (D&C 123:17).

Dear Father, please accept our prayer and our praise and honor of Thee and Thy Beloved Son on this joyful day of rededication, we pray, in the sacred and holy name of our Savior Jesus Christ, amen.