Молитва посвящения

Храм в Мадриде, Испания, 19 марта 1999 г.

Almighty God, our Eternal Father, we come before Thee in humble prayer. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the precious opportunity of assembling to dedicate this beautiful temple.

We have erected in this Christian nation this House of the Lord. Now, acting in the authority of the priesthood which comes from Thee, we dedicate and consecrate the Madrid Spain Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We present it to Thee and to Thy Divine Son. Please accept our offering given with love by Thy thankful sons and daughters. We honor and reverence it as Thine abode. May Thy Holy Spirit dwell here at all times and in all seasons.

We dedicate the grounds of this and adjoining facilities with their flowers, shrubs, trees, and grass. We dedicate the structure of the temple from the footings to the figure of Moroni. We dedicate every room and facility, and invoke a particular blessing upon those areas used in administering the everlasting ordinances for both the living and the dead.

May Thy faithful Saints come worthily to this Thy holy house to receive the higher ordinances of the gospel, to enter into covenants with Thee, and to seal together their families for time and all eternity.

"Plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers," and cause that "the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers," that the earth may not be wasted at the coming of Thy Son (D&C 2:2-3).

We pray that Thou wilt safeguard this structure by Thy divine power. Save it from desecration or damage by unclean hands. Bless it that it may stand through the generations to come. In sunshine and storm, shield it by Thy watchful care. May no evil or unclean thing enter within these walls. May it, in very deed, be Thy holy house, O God, our Father.

We thank Thee for Thine ancient gospel restored in this the fulness of times through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith. We thank Thee for its spread over the earth through the faithful labors of the messengers of truth who have gone forth to the nations. Open the doors and the hearts of the people on whom they call wherever they may be sent. Safeguard them from harm and evil.

We thank Thee for this great kingdom of Spain which has been hospitable to Thy Saints. Bless this land. We are mindful that it was from these shores that Columbus sailed to discover America as foretold in the Book of Mormon. Bless the King and the Queen. Bless those who govern in any capacity in this nation and in other nations from which Thy people will come to this House. May they be friendly and generous toward Thy cause and kingdom. Bless this Thy work that it shall flourish and grow in wondrous splendor, touching for everlasting good the hearts of people everywhere.

"Remember all thy church, O Lord, with all their families,...That thy church may come forth out of the wilderness of darkness, and shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners" (D&C 109:72,73).

Now, our Beloved Father, we dedicate not only this temple, but the other associated structures built on this square. We dedicate the beautiful and commodious stake center with all of its facilities. May it be a treasured house of learning, where faith is taught and nurtured. May Thy word, spoken from the chapel pulpit, kindle as a fire, testimonies of the eternal truth of this Thy holy work. May those who meet in these sacred premises partake with reverence the emblems of the flesh and blood of Thy divine Son who gave His life to atone for the sins of mankind. May the cultural hall be a place of sociality where Thy people can mingle in pleasant friendship. May Thy eternal truths be taught in the classrooms, that faith might increase among all who worship here.

We dedicate the building which houses the Missionary Training Center and housing, the Temple Patron Housing, the Distribution Center, the Family History Library, and the underground parking.

All have been constructed to serve the purposes of Thy Church and Kingdom. May each facility do so according to Thy divine plan and purpose. May Thy word be taught here and go forth to the peoples of the earth for the establishment of Zion and the building up of the kingdom of God. These facilities have all been made possible by the tithing of Thy faithful Saints. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them. Sustain them. Provide for them. Prosper them as they serve Thee in righteousness.

Our Father and our God, Thou great Elohim, how thankful unto Thee we feel. Accept of the gratitude of our hearts and let Thy blessings distill upon us, Thy children, as the dews from heaven, we humbly ask in the name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Beloved Son, who was chosen before the foundation of the world, amen.