Храм в Манти, штат Юта, США, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Манти, штат Юта, США, 14 июня 1985 г.

"Almighty and Eternal Father, Creator of heaven and earth and all that they contain, Thou who art the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of all living; to Thee, Thy believing children here present bring our offering, and beseech Thee to grant Thy listening ear while we dedicate this temple unto Thy most holy name."

These words, addressed to Thee, our Father, opened the prayer of Thy servant Lorenzo Snow, when in 1888 he dedicated this holy house. We repeat them on this sacred occasion when we again address Thee in a prayer of rededication, and reconfirm the pleadings of Thy servant concerning this beautiful edifice and Thy great eternal work to be done here in behalf of Thy children of all generations.

Almost a century has passed since this temple was first used. We thank Thee for the great and marvelous work done herein during those years. The lives of Thy people have been blessed and sanctified by the ordinances herein performed. The riches of eternity have been showered upon generations of Thy saints who have here partaken of the everlasting promises given in Thy house. The benefits and blessings of these same ordinances have extended to great concourses beyond the veil that those in that sphere also might go forward on the way of immortality and eternal life.

Now, after these many years, this house has been renovated and restored. With great care its former beauty, so carefully crafted by its original builders, has been brought back. Our present labors have increased our respect and love for those who built it originally and who sacrificed much in doing so.

We thank Thee for those who have worked diligently to preserve and restore, while at the same time improving the function. Bless them, we pray Thee, for what they have done. We hope, dear Father, that Thou art pleased with what has been accomplished to renovate and beautify Thy house.

This temple was first dedicated in a season of dark and awesome peril when the powers of bigotry and the resources of the nation were marshalled against Thy Church. We thank Thee that this has changed, and that today we enjoy, for the most part, the respect and good will of thoughtful people throughout the world. May that good will increase for the strengthening of Thy kingdom. We have, for a short season, opened the doors of this house to friends and strangers. Tens of thousands have reverently walked through it and have spoken with sincere appreciation for what they have seen.

Now, with love for Thee, and acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood in us vested, we rededicate to Thee and to Thy Beloved Son, this, the Manti Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as Thy holy habitation, and for the accomplishment of Thine eternal purposes.

We rededicate the earth on which it stands and the surrounding grounds with all of their beauty. We rededicate the foundation resting on the rock of this mountain. We rededicate the structure to the tops of the towers with all of the interior rooms, furnishings and fixtures, that all may be combined into one glorious whole and function for the purposes of its creation.

Cleanse it of any evil to which it may have been exposed during the season of its restoration. Rebuke and dismiss any influence out of harmony with the sacred character of Thy house. Cause Thy Holy Spirit to enter and pervade all of its rooms and facilities. Sanctify it that all who are present today, and all who will enter it through the years to come, may feel the presence of Thy Spirit and recognize that they are in holy precincts. May they leave behind the cares of the world and be edified when they enter the portals of this house. May their thoughts be lifted to the truths of eternity as they participate in the sacred ordinances here to be administered. May each leave with elevated thoughts and strengthened resolve to walk in obedience to Thy commandments.

Holy Father, bless all who shall serve here as workers—the temple president and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, the recorder and members of the staff, the ordinance workers in every category, and all who have responsibility of any kind.

We thank Thee for the light of the everlasting gospel restored to the earth through Thine appointed prophet, Joseph Smith, and for revelation given through those who have succeeded him in that holy office. We remember before Thee Thy servant, Spencer W. Kimball, who, because of the infirmities of age, is unable to be with us on this glorious occasion. Comfort and sustain him, we pray Thee. Let him feel of the love of Thy people. Bless all associated with Thy prophet in the work of Thy kingdom. Reveal unto the First Presidency Thy will concerning Thy Church and Thy people. Bless the Twelve in their divinely given responsibility to open the doors of the nations to the preachings of eternal truth. Bless the Seventy who assist them. Bless the Bishopric with their heavy responsibilities in temporal affairs. Smile with favor upon Thy faithful saints wherever they may be throughout the earth.

Frustrate the evil designs of the enemies of Thy work. May their efforts come to naught. When they would speak in mockery of the sacred ordinances of Thy house, cause that their words shall become as ashes in their mouths, while Thy work rolls forward in majesty and power as a great flood to fill the whole earth with truth and light.

Eternal Father, Judge of the nations, bless the land where stands Thy temple--this community, the state, the nation. May principles of righteousness and standards of equity prevail in government. Save this nation from conquest by any foreign power and from that servitude and decay which come of sin.

Father in heaven, on this glorious day of rededication we praise Thy holy name. We plead for forgiveness of pride, evil, and folly. With love we acknowledge Thee as our Father and our God, and Thy Beloved Son as our Savior and our Redeemer. Grant us strength and the will to keep Thy commandments.

May Thy people be magnified and honored as they look to Thee in reverence and walk in obedience. Help us to help one another, to "succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees." May we walk as becomes Thy covenant people.

Hear our prayer, O Father, and grant us Thy peace. Extend our knowledge of Thy divine plan and purposes. Prosper us as we live honestly with Thee in the payment of tithes and offerings. May the lands we cultivate be fruitful. May our flocks and herds increase. May the wisdom of our minds be enlarged and the labors of our hands be multiplied in good works.

Grant us, Father, Thy divine favor in all things we pray, with everlasting thanks to Thee, the Great Elohim, in the name of Thine Only Begotten, the Lamb of God, who gave His life for all mankind, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.