Manti Utah Temple, Dedicatory Prayer

Dedicatory Prayer

Manti Utah Temple, April 21, 2024

O, God our Eternal Father, in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, we are assembled to rededicate this beloved structure, the Manti Utah Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We thank Thee for Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. We are grateful that, because of His Atonement, we have the possibility of eternal life with Thee and with our families. Heavenly Father, we praise and honor Thee and Thy Beloved Son.

We rededicate this magnificent temple to Thee from its foundation to its towers. We rededicate each room for its intended and sacred purpose. Please bless the systems that will function here—mechanical, electrical, audiovisual, and all other supports and service functions of the temple.

We rededicate its lovely decor, murals, altars, pulpits, hallways, and stairways. Again, we dedicate this sacred ground on which this temple stands. We dedicate its firm foundation that it may be sturdy and unfailing. Wilt Thou protect this building and its surroundings from the elements and from anyone who might approach these sacred precincts with evil intent. Please bless the surrounding grounds, the shrubbery, flowers, and all that will beautify this sacred sector of Sanpete Valley.

Our beloved Father, please bless the present and future temple presidencies, the matrons, and their assistants. Please bless all faithful workers who will serve in any way. We pray for all who enter and patronize this temple, that they may receive sacred blessings and remain worthy and faithful to their covenants made here. We pray also that this may be a house of peace, a house of comfort, and a house of personal revelation for all who enter these doors worthily. We ask Thee to bless those who seek to understand the power with which they are endowed here to receive knowledge from on high.

For all these blessings, and all else that Thou seest fit to grant unto us and unto these sacred premises, we humbly pray. Most gratefully, we offer this prayer of rededication in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.