Храм в Орландо, штат Флорида, США, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Орландо, штат Флорида, США, 9 октября 1994 г.

O God, Our Eternal Father, thou Great Elohim, we bow our heads before thee in reverence and love. We are met to dedicate this thy holy house.

We thank thee for this beautiful structure, and for the purposes for which it has been built. We thank thee for the eternal priesthood restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith, which will be exercised herein. We thank thee, above all, for the atonement of thy Beloved Son through whose sacrifice salvation and eternal life are made possible. We thank thee for the ordinances of this house which will be administered in behalf of the dead as well as the living. We thank thee for the great vicarious work which will be carried on within these premises.

Father in Heaven, we note the beauty of this thy temple, and thank thee for the consecrations of thy faithful people throughout the world which have made possible this sacred house of peace and divine love.

Now, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood which has come from thee, and in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, we dedicate this the Orlando Florida Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as thy house and the house of thy Beloved Son, and pray that thou wilt accept it as the consecrated gift of thy people. We pray that it may be acceptable unto thee and unto Him, and that thy Holy Spirit may hallow it at all times. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the statue of Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate all of its facilities, including the dressing rooms, the fixtures and appointments for the washing and anointing ordinances, the endowment rooms, the beautiful celestial room, and the sealing rooms with their sacred altars where under the authority of the Holy Priesthood there will be bound in the heavens that which is bound upon the earth. We dedicate the grounds on which this temple stands with the vegetation growing thereon—the trees, the flowers, the shrubs, the lawns.

We pray that thy watch-care will be over this thy sacred house. Preserve it by thy strong arm from storm and tempest, and above all from the defiling hand of man. To all who look upon it, including those who reside in this area, may it ever present a picture of peace and beauty, a structure partaking of thy divine nature.

Bless all who shall enter its portals that they may come with clean hands and pure hearts, setting aside the cares of the world as they engage in the sacred service to be performed herein. Grant unto them a greater understanding of things divine and things eternal. Bless them with joy in the service which they give. May the generations of the families of thy sons and daughters be joined in unbroken linkage that thy divine purposes may be brought to pass concerning the immortality and eternal life of thy children. We pray that all who covenant with thee in the sacred endowment service will stand ever true to their promises.

Bless the youth who will be baptized for the dead. May this sacred service instill in their minds a greater understanding of thy divine plan, and a stronger resolution to live worthy of every blessing which eventually may become available to them in this thy holy house.

May those who come to be sealed in marriage kneel at these sacred altars and resolve within their hearts to be ever true and faithful, that the sacred relationships here solemnized may continue with happiness throughout all eternity. May the spirit of the prophet Elijah rest upon thy people that the hearts of the children may turn to their fathers that the earth shall not be wasted, and that thy divine will may be brought to pass for the blessing of thy sons and daughters of all generations.

Our Beloved Father, we pray for all who have responsibility in thy kingdom, including the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, the Seventy, the Bishopric, and for all who serve in any capacity throughout the world. May all be faithful and true and work with a spirit of love and dedication. Prosper thy faithful Saints in their temporal affairs. Bless them in their homes and in their hearts with peace and gladness. May they walk in thy divine favor as they walk the paths which thou hast marked for them.

We ask it all, Beloved Father, as thy thankful sons and daughters, and on this day of dedication, we dedicate ourselves anew to thy service through service to our fellow men, both the living and the dead, in the name of our Redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.