Храм в Париже, Франция, Молитва посвящения

Молитва посвящения

Храм в Париже, Франция, 21 мая 2017 г.

O God, our Eternal Father, we come unto Thee in prayer in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this historic day. The presence of this house, on the soil of this nation, is an answer to the prayers of Thy people.

Thou hast honored us in directing, through Thy prophet, that a sacred temple should be built in this land. Now the yearnings of our hearts for the higher blessings of the gospel may be realized here.

We are grateful for the hospitality of this historic city in this great nation and pray that it may be blessed by the very presence of Thy house. May the light of the gospel that emanates from this holy temple be felt throughout the land.

We thank Thee for the Restoration of the gospel through Thy servant Joseph Smith. We are grateful for the coming forth of the Book of Mormon as another testament, a testament speaking from the dust in witness of the divinity of Thy Son. We thank Thee for the restoration of the holy priesthood, with all of its authority, power, and keys.

We thank Thee for the faithful missionaries who came at great sacrifice in early days to open Thy sacred work here. We thank Thee for all who have followed them and for all who have hearkened to their words and accepted their testimonies. We pray Thy blessings upon the missionaries who serve now and who will ever serve here. Father, soften the hearts of those they meet and teach, and strengthen the members with courage to invite their friends to be taught the gospel.

We thank Thee for the atoning sacrifice of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the understanding Thou hast given us of the breadth and depth of the redemption wrought by Him. Here, with the authority of the holy priesthood, will be administered those ordinances which lead not only to salvation but also to eternal exaltation. Those who come worthily to this, Thy holy house, may receive these blessings for themselves and may assist in extending the same to those who have passed beyond the veil of death.

Now, acting in the authority of the holy priesthood, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee this sacred structure as the house of the Lord, a prophesied place of rest for Thy Son, and a house of holy ordinances where Thine eternal work may be carried forward (see Acts 7:49).

We dedicate the grounds upon which this beautiful temple stands. We dedicate the structure, from the footings and foundation to the rooftop. May this house stand firm and remain strong against any forces of nature.

We dedicate the interior, the sacred baptistry, the endowment and sealing rooms, this wondrous and beautiful celestial room, and all other offices and features of this divine building. We also dedicate the ancillary buildings on this temple site. Wilt Thou keep it all safe from any who may seek to deface or defile it in any way.

We ask that the influence of the Holy Ghost may be unrestrained in this sacred place.

Guard and fortify all who come here, and strengthen them against the forces of evil. Protect the youth, who are surrounded by temptations. Give them courage to stand firm for truth and righteousness. Give them a vision of the eternal purpose of their temple service for their ancestors, for their future families, and for themselves.

We seek Thy favor, our Father in Heaven, in pouring out Thy blessings upon all those who reside in the temple district. Prosper them as they honor Thee and Thy Son. Forbid the adversary from having power and influence over them.

We pray for those who are sealed as husband and wife in this temple for eternity. Bless them with charity, the pure love of Christ. Bless them with the power to be faithful to the covenants they make with Thee and with each other. Protect them from evil. Protect them from selfishness and pride. Bless them that their hearts will be turned to Thee, to each other, to their children, to their descendants, and to their ancestors. Bless those who are sealed here with patience and with hope of eternal life.

Now, Holy Father, we ask Thee in the name of Jesus Christ, Thy Beloved Son, to answer our prayer. We entreat Thee to accept the dedication of this house. Sanctify it and make it holy that the ordinances performed therein by Thy sons and daughters may be, in Thy sight, as though performed by Thee.

And to Thy name be the honor and glory and praise forever and ever, as desired by Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, amen.