Dedicatory Prayer

Billings Montana Temple, November 20, 1999

Eternal Father in Heaven, Thou Almighty Elohim, in love and faith we bow before Thee on this day of dedication. Our hearts are filled with gratitude. Thou hast smiled with favor upon us. Thou hast multiplied our blessings. Thou hast granted us the gift of life. Thou hast given us knowledge of Thine eternal plan for Thy children. Thou hast blessed us with the everlasting priesthood restored to earth in this dispensation of the fulness of times.

We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith, Thy servant through whom has come revelation, principles, doctrines, keys and authority.

Acting in that authority, and in the sacred name of Thine Only Begotten, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the Billings Montana Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Dear Father, wilt Thou accept it and consecrate and hallow it as Thy Holy House. Let Thy blessings rest upon it. Let Thy protecting care be over it. Soften the hearts of all who in the past have opposed its construction. Bless those who have worked so long and diligently in the face of opposition to obtain the necessary permits and to erect this sacred temple. May a glad acceptance now prevail concerning it, even a sense of gratitude for its presence. We pray that this area, in fact this whole city, may feel the Spirit that emanates from this hallowed structure. May it be looked upon as a house of holiness by all who view it.

We dedicate the grounds on which it stands, together with the structure and all of its furnishings. We dedicate the beautiful baptismal font wherein will be carried forward a great work in behalf of the dead. We dedicate the facilities for the initiatory ordinances, the bestowal of the holy priesthood, the sacred endowment rooms, the beautiful Celestial Room, the sealing rooms with their altars, all designed to carry forward Thy work in behalf of the living and those beyond the veil of death.

Grant that Thy Holy Spirit may abide here at all times, touching the hearts of all who serve herein. We pray for the temple presidency and the matron and her assistants. Grant them strength to carry forward Thy work and bless all who labor with them in consecrated service.

We pray for all who will use this beautiful edifice in the accomplishment of Thine eternal purposes. May they not weary in their sacred service. May they know that they are the means of opening the prison doors beyond the veil, all of which is made possible through the great atoning sacrifice of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Seal Thine eternal covenants upon Thy people who enter this house. Bind them to the promises they make in solemnity before Thee.

Those of this area who are called to teach the gospel to the world will first come here to be endowed with power from on high. Lead them in their ministry to those who will accept their testimony of the divinity of Thy restored work.

We pray that all who enter Thy House may do so worthily, with clean hands and hearts that are pure before Thee. May "this house . . . be a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of glory and of God, even thy house." (D&C 109:16)

The building of this sacred temple has been made possible by faithful tithe payers throughout the world. Bless them for their devotion to Thy work and Thy cause. Keep Thine ancient promises concerning them and open the windows of heaven in their behalf. Bless Thy people throughout the earth that wherever they be established they may become as a city set upon a hill whose light cannot be hid, even as this temple standing on this eminence may be seen from afar.

Beloved Father, we remember before Thee those called to direct the work of Thy kingdom. Lengthen their days and increase their strength that they shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint, and that the destroying angel shall pass them by.

We express our love for Thee and for Thine Only Begotten Son. May we walk acceptably before Thee at all times. May others, seeing our good works, be constrained to honor Thee and seek after Thee.

Accept of our thanks, dear Father, and grant the blessings for which we pray we humbly ask in the name of our Divine Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.