
德國法蘭克福聖殿, 1987年8月28日

O God, our Eternal Father, we come unto Thee in prayer in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. We are assembled in Thy holy house to dedicate it unto Thee. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for this historic day.

The presence of this house, on the soil of this nation, is an answer to the prayers of Thy people, and a fulfillment of the words of Thy prophets.

We are grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ which has touched for everlasting good the lives of all here assembled. We thank Thee that we are partakers of Thy divine truth, restored to earth in this Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. We thank Thee for the Prophet Joseph Smith and for all who have succeeded him, including our present prophet and seer. We thank Thee for the great Nephite record, the Book of Mormon, which has come as a voice from the dust to bear witness of the divinity of Thy Son.

Thy restored word was first taught in this nation 146 years ago. Since then, tens of thousands of missionaries, at untold sacrifice, have borne testimony to the people of Europe. Hundreds of thousands have responded to their message. How grateful we are to be counted among that number.

This city, where stands this holy house, has for centuries shown tolerance for those seeking freedom to worship according to the dictates of conscience. We thank Thee for the hospitality of those of this community who have welcomed Thy people and Thy temple.

We thank Thee for the beauty of this structure and for all who have labored to build it. We are grateful for the consecrations of Thy faithful saints throughout the world who, with their tithes, have made it possible. We thank Thee particularly for the offerings of Thy saints in Europe who, with testimony and faith, have imparted of their substance with generous hearts and with love for Thee. Bless them Father, and open the windows of heaven and shower down upon them every needful gift. Prosper them in their labors and magnify them for good before their associates. May the example of their lives lead others to seek Thine everlasting truth.

Now, Beloved Father, in the name of Jesus Christ and by authority of the everlasting priesthood, we dedicate this the Frankfurt Germany Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it unto Thee as Thy hallowed dwelling place. We dedicate it unto Thy Son as the house of the Lord where the fulness of the priesthood may be exercised. We dedicate it as a house of worship, a house of covenants, a house of faith, a house of God.

Wilt Thou accept it as the offering of Thy faithful sons and daughters. Wilt Thou hallow it by the presence of Thy Holy Spirit. Wilt Thou sanctify it for the divine purposes for which it has been erected. Wilt Thou preserve it from defilement and destruction.

We pray that Thou wilt protect it by Thy powerful hand. May all who look upon it regard it as a house of holiness. May all who enter its portals do so with clean hands and pure hearts, and with that knowledge of the eternal things of God which comes by the power of the Holy Ghost.

Bless the husbands and the wives, the parents and the children among Thy people that they may gather to this Thy holy house and be sealed as families for all eternity by the power and authority which Thou hast given to Thy chosen servants. Wilt Thou grant a divine endowment to those who here enter into covenants with Thee. May Thy saints gather here to serve in behalf of their forebears so that those of the many generations who have gone before may partake of these priceless blessings.

O God, bless this Thy holy house and all who shall serve herein. We pray for the temple president and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, the ordinance workers, and all who serve in any capacity. Bless them with joy in their service. Bless them with that satisfaction which comes of knowing that they are serving Thee through service to their fellowmen.

We dedicate this building and its various parts from the footings to the top of the steeple, with all its rooms, its altars, its baptismal font, and every other facility. We dedicate the ancillary structures. We dedicate the grounds on which it stands, with all the vegetation growing thereon, that it may be acceptable unto Thee and a place of beauty to all who shall look upon it.

We ask Thy blessings upon Thy work in this part of the earth. Touch the hearts of the people in these lands of Europe. Open their minds with a desire and willingness to hear the truths of the everlasting gospel. Bless the missionaries who come among them as messengers of truth. Bless the homes of Thy saints that peace may dwell therein with love and harmony and worship of Thee.

We pray for Thy work in all the earth. Unlock the doors of the nations that Thy sons and daughters in all lands may hear Thy revealed word. Bless Thy chosen prophet and grant him strength according to his need and revelation according to Thy will. Bless his counselors in the First Presidency, the members of the Quorum of the Twelve, the First Quorum of the Seventy, and the Presiding Bishopric. Bless all who have responsibility in Thy work throughout the earth.

We love Thee, our Father and our God. We love Thine Only Begotten Son, our Redeemer. We love Thy revealed truth and pray that we shall walk always with faith in its eternal light.

Accept of our thanks. Accept of our love. Hear our prayers and smile with favor upon us, we humbly ask as Thy thankful children, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.