
德國法蘭克福聖殿, 2019年10月20日

O God, our Eternal Father, we come to you in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Our hearts are filled with gratitude as we gather now, as designated by our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, to rededicate the Frankfurt Germany Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

When President Ezra Taft Benson came here to Friedrichsdorf in 1987 and dedicated this second temple in Germany, he said that the presence of this temple was the answer to the prayers of the members of the Church and was the fulfillment of prophetic words. This is still true today, in a time when the number of temples in Europe steadily continues to grow.

Heavenly Father, we recognize Thy powerful hand in all things, and, filled with emotions which we can scarcely find words to express, we thank Thee.

In the last few years the buildings and facilities of this temple have been enlarged and beautified in order to better serve Thy purposes. We thank the many people who have helped in this effort. We especially thank the people of this city, who have advocated for religious freedom for many decades. We are thankful for the friendly welcome and pray for Thy blessed protection for all who live here.

Thy restored gospel was taught in this part of the earth as early as 1841. Thousands of missionaries have faithfully served here, and since that time, hundreds of thousands have joined Thy Church.

O Father, bless Thy people, that this day of celebration and worship might be a new beginning in building up Thy kingdom. The divine blessings of the restored gospel are desperately needed in the nations of the world. Open the windows of heaven, and shower down upon the Saints and all people of good intentions an increased desire to seek goodness at all times and in all places and then to do it. Renew their willingness to love Thee and their fellow men and to always keep Thy commandments.

Bless the parents in this temple district, that they might be examples to their children of love and sincerity. Bless the children that they might honor, heed, and love their parents and help all to keep alive the excitement and love for Thy Church and Thy gospel.

Grant the youth a special and lasting blessing. Let their understanding of the truth grow. Make them emotionally and spiritually strong, that they may recognize the values of Thy restored gospel, come to treasure them, and live true to the gospel with loving hearts. Bless them with a love of learning and the desire to “seek . . . out of the best books words of wisdom . . . even by study and also by faith.” Bless them to trust in Thy love and the sacrifice of Thy Son, our Savior. Give them the courage to always choose Thee, Thy gospel, and Thy Church. Purify their hearts, whenever and wherever they sincerely pray to Thee and seek the blessings of the Atonement of Thy Son. Let them feel Thy love and the richness of the gospel. Plant in their hearts that with God all things are possible.

We ask for Thy blessing and Thy guidance for the rulers of the countries where our people live. Bless those who hold political offices, that they will use their abilities for the good of the people so that peace, freedom, and prosperity may increase.

We thank Thee for the great and all-encompassing sacrifice of Thy Son, our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ. It is only through His and Thy heavenly gift that we are able to receive the blessings which this temple offers Thy children. We thank Thee for the Restoration of the gospel and Thy Church, for the Prophet Joseph Smith, and for the Book of Mormon as another witness of the truth of Thy Church.

In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority of the holy priesthood, we rededicate the Frankfurt temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate it as Thy holy habitation. Please accept it and sanctify it, that all who come here might feel the presence of the Holy Ghost. We dedicate it for the great and sacred work which will be performed here.

Heavenly Father, please accept our sacrifice and sincere gratitude. Forgive us our sins and shortcomings.

We dedicate this temple, from its foundation to the top of the steeple, where the figure of Moroni shines. We dedicate the temple grounds and all ancillary buildings to Thy sacred purposes. May they be used for many purposes to further build and strengthen Thy kingdom here on earth. May our youth, our families, and each individual feel safe and secure here.

Please bless this house. May it be spared from the destructive storms of nature and from evil intentions.

May it be a place of peace and righteousness. May those who enter the temple come with pure hands and pure thoughts and always remain true to their covenants. May they do so with joy and peace in their hearts and demonstrate their gratitude and reverence to Thee through greater love for Thee and their fellow men.

We pray for the temple presidency, for all those who are prepared to serve Thee and Thy children in Thy house.

Heavenly Father, with the dedication of this temple, we dedicate ourselves again to Thee and Thy eternal purposes. We pray to Thee as Thy grateful children and bear witness of the truth of Thy gospel and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We do this with all our hearts and in the name of our Master and Savior, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.