Nuku'alofa Tonga Temple

Te mau ’ohipa e ravehia
ʼAhu hiero

Tē fa’aitoitohia nei te mau melo ’ia ’āfa’i mai i tō rātou iho ’ahu hiero. Tē vai ra te tārahura’a ’ahu nō te hiero. E hōro’ahia te ’ahu bāpetizora’a ma te tāmoni ’ore.

Te mau reo

E noa’a te vauvaura’a o te ’ōro’a hiero nā roto i te mau reo rau i roto i te mau hiero ato’a. E mā’iti i te reo e hina’arohia ’ia tāpa’o ’oe i tō ’oe i’oa nā ni’a i te natirara, ’aore rā e ani i te vāhi hi’opo’ara’a parau fa’ati’a.

’Ia tae ’ia haere

E mau rāve’a tauturu, mai te fa’aro’o tari’a nō te feiā haere hiero e tari’a turi. ’A paraparau atu i te hiero nō te tahi atu ā ha’amāramaramara’a ’e ’aore rā mai te mea e vaira’a ta’a ’ē tō ’outou, ’aore rā e hina’aro ta’a ’ē tō ’outou.

Fa’anahora’a nō te mā’a

’A paraparaura’a i te hiero nō te mau ha’amāramaramara’a.

Nohora’a o te hiero

Tē vai ra te nohora’a o te hiero.

Pū tāpaera’a

’A paraparaura’a i te hiero nō te mau ha’amāramaramara’a.

Pū ’ōperera’a

’A paraparaura’a i te hiero nō te mau ha’amāramaramara’a.

P.O Box 109 C/O Afu Fakatou Nuku’alofa, TONGA
+676 20-229
Pū fa’ari’ira’a rātere

’Aita e pū fa’ari’ira’a rātere i terā vāhi.

Te mau ’ōpanira’a hiero


  • Saturday, October 12, 2024
  • Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - Wednesday, December 25, 2024
  • Tuesday, December 31, 2024
  • Te tahi atu mau ha’amāramaramara’a


    · Appointments for proxy ordinances are encouraged. Patrons without appointments are also welcome, but may be asked to wait for an opportunity to participate. Click the Appointments button to schedule or modify a proxy appointment.

    · Patrons are encouraged to bring their own temple clothing.

    · Ordinances for family names should be done in proper sequence—baptism, confirmation, Melchizedek Priesthood ordination (males), initiatory, endowment, and then sealing. Please allow sufficient time to perform all the ordinances you wish to complete during your visit. For additional help and information, please call the temple.

    · Please contact the temple for more information or if you have special circumstances or needs.

    Mau ’ohipa ta’a ’ē rahi

  • April 2, 1980Fa’aarahia
  • February 18, 1981Tāpūra’a repo
  • August 9, 1983Ha’amo’ahia — pure ha’amo’ara’a
  • November 4, 2007Ha’amo’a-fa’ahou-hia — pure ha’amo’ara’a