Dedicatory Prayer

Papeete Tahiti Temple, November 12, 2006

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. We come unto Thee in reverence as we meet to rededicate this, the Papeete Tahiti Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

This temple was first dedicated 23 years ago. It has served well the Saints of these islands of Tahiti. Thousands have participated in the ordinances in the house of the Lord in their own behalf and in behalf of those beyond the veil. Their faith in Thine eternal purposes has been strengthened as they have done so.

Now Thy house has been renovated and added to. It has been redecorated and made more attractive. It thus becomes necessary that it be rededicated.

Accordingly, dear Father, acting in the authority of the holy priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, we rededicate and reconsecrate this, the Papeete Tahiti Temple, unto Thee and Thy Beloved Son.

Wilt Thou accept it as our gift unto Thee. Wilt Thou be constrained to visit it. Wilt Thy Holy Spirit dwell here at all times. Safeguard it from any destructive hand. May all who enter its portals be worthy in every respect. Safeguard it from the storms of nature, and let it stand as a haven of peace and security.

We are deeply grateful for the revealed truth concerning temples and temple work which came to the Prophet Joseph Smith, under which those beyond the veil may enjoy the same eternal blessings as the living.

We are thankful for the spirit of hospitality of those who govern these islands and who have made it possible for Thy servants to labor here and build the kingdom of God in this area of the world.

We thank Thee for the faithful Saints throughout the world who have given of their tithes to make possible what has been done here and to carry forward the program of Thy Church over the earth.

Bless, we pray Thee, the president and matron of this temple, together with the counselors in the presidency and the assistants to the matron. Grant them strength and energy to carry forward the rigorous program incident to the operation of this, Thy holy house.

We remember before Thee Thine appointed leaders in Thy Church and kingdom. Strengthen them. Bless them. Add to their days and qualify them for the work which is expected of them.

Now, again, we invoke Thy watch care over this, Thy holy house. May Thine own eye, the all-seeing eye of the Lord, look upon this structure and preserve it and hallow it for the sacred purposes for which it has been constructed.

For these things, and for all others that we should remember before Thee, we humbly pray, in the sacred and holy name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.