
カリフォルニア州レッドランズ神殿, 2003年9月14日

O Lord God of Israel, Thou great Elohim who presides over the universe, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, our Redeemer, we come unto Thee in solemn prayer to dedicate this Thy holy house. Hear our prayer, Almighty God, and answer our pleadings.

We love Thee, and we love Thy Son. We love Thy Church. We love the Prophet Joseph. We love all who have assisted in any way in the establishment of this Thy great work in the fulness of times.

Acting in the name of our Lord, even our Redeemer, and in the authority of that priesthood which comes from Thee, we dedicate and consecrate unto Thee and Thy Beloved Son this the Redlands California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wilt Thou accept of this our offering unto Thee. Wilt Thou deign to visit it and sanctify it by Thy holy presence. Let Thy Spirit dwell here at all times and in all circumstances.

We dedicate the beautiful grounds on which it stands, together with the gardens with which it is surrounded. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni which crowns its steeple. We dedicate the walls. May they stand firm and whole against any trembling of the earth. We dedicate the beautiful baptistry, where sacred ordinances will be performed in behalf of those beyond the veil of death, even our own forebears. We dedicate all of those facilities associated with the endowment, which Thou hast revealed unto Thy people. We dedicate the beautiful Celestial Room, which reminds us of that kingdom and of that glory to which we may attain after stepping through the veil of death. We dedicate the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, where Thy children may be joined together under the authority of the everlasting priesthood for time and eternity in the bonds of marriage and family life.

We dedicate every facility and feature of this Thy house.

May it be sacred to all who enter its doors, and may these portals never be breached by anyone unworthy to enter. May those who pass by look upon it as the house of the Lord, and do so with reverence and respect. Hold back the hand of the vandal or anyone who would in any way deface it. May it stand strong against the storms of nature.

Father, this beautiful structure has come of the consecrations of Thy Saints in all the world. Bless them for their faith and faithfulness. Open the windows of heaven, as Thou hast promised through the prophet Malachi, and pour down blessings upon them that there shall not be room enough to receive them.

We pray for the temple presidency and the matron and her assistants, and for all who shall serve here. Grant unto them strength and vitality. May their eyes be single to Thy glory and the accomplishment of Thy purposes.

May Thy great plan of happiness be unfolded within these walls in behalf of Thy children of all generations.

Our dear Father, we pray for a special blessing upon those who shall go forth from this house to teach the truths of the everlasting gospel at home and abroad. May they be endowed in this Thy house with Thy power, and wilt Thou be with them as Thou hast promised. Be on their right hand and on their left, and let Thy Holy Spirit be in their hearts, and Thine angels round about them to bear them up. (see D&C 84:88). Seal upon them the "testimony of the covenant" (D&C 109:38) that they may go forth as messengers of eternal truth.

As was said at Kirtland, "Remember all thy church, O Lord, with all their families, and all their immediate connections, with all their sick and afflicted ones, with all the poor and meek of the earth; that the kingdom, which thou hast set up without hands, may become a great mountain and fill the whole earth;

"That thy church may come forth out of the wilderness of darkness, and shine forth fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners" (D&C 109:72-73).

Father, our people are not strangers to this area. Not long after settling the Salt Lake Valley, some of them came to this region to establish an outpost of Thy Church. Thy work has more recently been firmly planted here. Wilt Thou cause it to grow and flourish and touch many hearts that they may turn to Thee and learn of Thy ways and do Thy will and bidding.

We are grateful for the spirit of hospitality which we have experienced here. May it increase that we may live in harmony with our neighbors, walking as examples before them. We pray that many may be constrained in their hearts to learn more of Thy great plan of salvation, that the mantle of membership may come upon them and enfold them.

Father dear, bless this state of California that its people may be strong and wise in their decisions, that they might be prosperous and free. And bless our nation, we humbly pray. May the Constitution which was established and ordained by our forebears, and which came of Thine inspiration and direction, ever stand as a bulwark against tyranny and oppression. May peace and freedom reign in the land.

We invoke Thy blessings upon those who have been called to responsibilities of leadership in Thy work. Grant them health, strength, and above all, revelation that Thy people may be led in truth and righteousness before Thee.

Now, our Beloved Father in Heaven, we desire to do Thy will in all things. We wish to walk as Thou hast ordained we should walk.

We pledge to Thee our faith, our love, all honor and glory and thanks, Holy Father, and to Thy Beloved Son in whose sacred name we offer our petition unto Thee, even the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.