Lotu Fakatapuí

Temipale San Diego California, April 25, 1993

O God, our Eternal Father, thou great Elohim, the Almighty who is above all, we come before thee on this day of dedication, in the name of thy beloved Son, the Redeemer of the world, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Hear our prayer and accept our offering, we humbly ask thee.

We are grateful for this day when thy holy house is completed. We thank thee for the consecrated tithes of thy saints across the earth which have made possible the erection of this beautiful edifice. We thank thee for all who have labored to plan and create it. We thank thee for the glorious work for which it has been constructed. We thank thee for "the fullness of the priesthood" which will be exercised herein. It is thine eternal priesthood whose authority reaches beyond the veil of death.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the atonement wrought by thy divine Son whose love has encompassed all mankind. Surely He is "the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." We praise His holy name as our Savior and our King.

We thank thee for thine eternal plan, including the ordinances to be performed in this holy house, for the salvation and exaltation of the living and the dead of all generations. We thank thee for the majesty and wonder of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the authority thou hast restored to earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith in this the dispensation of the fullness of times.

We thank thee for the spread of thy work across the world, that thou art moving in thy power to open the doors of the nations to thine ordained messengers. Bless them, dear Father, lead them, protect them, inspire them as they seek to teach thy holy word. We thank thee that hundreds of thousands of men and women of various faiths and philosophies have had the opportunity of walking through this sacred house prior to this time of dedication. May an attitude of respect and reverence grow within them. May very many of them be stirred to seek and learn the truths of thy restored work that they too might become eligible to enjoy the blessings offered herein. May any voices of criticism be stilled and any words of disrespect be silenced.

This temple will be used by many of the sons and daughters of Father Lehi. We thank thee for their faithfulness. We thank thee for this day when thou art remembering thine ancient covenant in behalf of these thy children, from whose eyes the shackles of darkness are now falling. Bless the posterity of Lehi, we pray thee. Lift from their weary shoulders the burdens of the past. Grant unto those who walk in faith an enlarged understanding of things divine as well as blessings of temporal peace and prosperity.

We are grateful that as we dedicate this temple, work is going forward to build others to be similarly dedicated to the accomplishment of thine eternal purposes. Touch the hearts of all whose assistance is needed to bring to pass the completion of these undertakings. We are living in the greatest era in the history of the world in the construction of these sacred houses. Open the way before us, provide the necessary means, and hedge up the way of the adversary that he shall not have power to frustrate or delay this work.

We thank thee for this nation under whose inspired Constitution we enjoy freedom of worship and freedom to build these sacred houses. Bless this land, we pray thee, and bless those who govern that the precious liberties enunciated in the Bill of Rights may never be abridged nor taken from the people. Strengthen the cause of freedom among the nations of the earth. And now, our beloved Father, acting in the authority of thine everlasting priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, as thy servants duly commissioned, we dedicate unto thee and unto thy Son this the San Diego California Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Wilt thou accept it as the offering of thy people. We present it as the abode of Deity and pray that thou and thy glorious Son might visit it and sanctify it by thy divine presence.

We have built it according to thy will, that thou might have a place to manifest thyself to thy people. We consecrate it with love. Let thy mighty blessings rest upon it and thy Holy Spirit constantly abide herein.

We dedicate the ground on which it stands, and this magnificent structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni which crowns its highest steeple. We dedicate the baptistry, all of the facilities for administering the various ordinances, including the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, the endowment rooms, and the beautiful celestial room, together with all fixtures and appurtenances appertaining thereto. We dedicate the ancillary structures and the grounds with their flowers, trees, shrubs and lawns. May all aspects of this beautiful edifice come together to present a picture of the wonders of thy creations and the majesty of thy work and thy glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of thy sons and daughters of all generations.

May thy watchcare be over this thy holy house. Preserve it from storm and tempest, from the tremblings of the earth, and most importantly, from any defiling hand of man. To the millions who will see it as they move swiftly over the adjacent highway may it be a thing of singular beauty from which shall emanate a spiritual glow that speaks of peace and goodness. May all who enter these portals come with clean hands and hearts, and minds free from the stain of the world. May they find within these walls a refuge from the noise and stress of the world. In their seasons of trouble, wilt thou here whisper peace and direction. May they come with glad expectation and leave rejoicing in the spirit found in this dedicated sanctuary.

Father, bless thy people everywhere who walk in faith and virtue before thee. Open the windows of heaven and shower down blessings upon them that they shall not lack food upon their tables nor shelter from the storm. Grant them peace in their lives and happiness in their homes.

We remember before thee thy prophet who is now old in years. Wilt thou bless him with comfort and gladness. We pray for those who assist him in administering the affairs of thy Church throughout the world. Bless all who serve in any capacity in thy cause and kingdom wherever they may be and whatever the level of their responsibility.

In accepting thy gospel we have become a covenant people. We have taken upon ourselves the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and have promised to keep His commandments. Strengthen us in our resolutions and guard us against failure in observing the obligations we have accepted. In thy sacred temples we make further covenants with thee. Give us the will to live above sin and selfishness. Save us from pride and arrogance. Smile with favor upon us we humbly pray thee. Bless us with a spirit of benevolence toward all who are in distress wherever they may be or whatever their circumstances.

Thou art the Omnipotent God of all the people. Thy Son is the Redeemer of all mankind. May recognition of thy holy name and the name of thy Son grow among the unbelieving until every voice shall rise in praise and every knee bow in worship. Thou Almighty God, we look to thee in love and gratitude. On this day of dedication may a new spirit of consecration come into our hearts that we may serve thee more acceptably through service to thy sons and daughters—those who dwell upon the earth and those who have gone before. May we bask in the light of thy divine favor. May we be found walking always in the paths which thou hast marked out for thy children, and lead us to pastures green and peaceful.

We ask it all as thankful sons and daughters in the name of thine only Begotten, our Savior who gave His life that we might have eternal life, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.