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Stockholm Sweden Temple, July 2, 1985

Eternal Father, Judge of the nations, Thou great Elohim, we bow before Thee on this glorious day and in the name of Thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, come unto Thee in a prayer of dedication as we offer to Thee our offering of this beautiful temple.

We are grateful for this day when Thy house has been completed in this good land. We are grateful for the growth of Thy work in this nation and in the other nations of Scandinavia and Finland. We have waited long and hoped and prayed for this blessing. Our hearts are filled with gratitude, our voices speak praise and thanks unto Thee our kind and gracious Father.

We thank Thee for the restoration of the everlasting gospel through Thine appointed servant, Joseph Smith. We thank Thee for every gift and grace, right and authority that has been given Thy children by the manifestations of Thy power, bringing together all of the doctrine, ordinances, and authority of previous dispensations in this the dispensation of the fulness of times.

We thank Thee for those faithful missionaries who came here at great sacrifice in early days to open the work in this area of the world. We thank Thee for all who have followed them, and for all who have hearkened to their words and accepted of their testimonies. We thank Thee for all who have entered the waters of baptism and who then received the gift of the Holy Ghost and confirmation of membership in Thy true Church.

We have longed for this day when we might receive our washing and anointings, our endowments and our sealings, and when we might extend these blessings to our forebears. Forgive our sins that we may stand clean before Thee and worthy to serve in this sanctified house as Thy sons and daughters.

We thank Thee for this sacred structure, for its beauty in a land where there is much that is beautiful, and for the great purposes for which it has been built. And now as Thy servants, acting in the authority of the Holy Priesthood—that divine power which has come from Thee—and in the name of Jesus Christ, we dedicate unto Thee and unto Thy Son, this the Stockholm Sweden Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We dedicate the ground on which it stands with the vegetation which beautifies it. We dedicate the building and all of its parts, from the footings to the top of the steeple. We dedicate each room and hall, the fixtures, the equipment and all elements which have been brought together that it may function in a proper manner and be conducive to a spirit of worship on the part of all who shall enter here.

Preserve and protect it. Sanctify it and watch over it. May Thy glory rest upon it, and Thy Spirit dwell within it.

May it be a haven of refuge from the world. May it be a source of inspiration and peace. May it be looked upon as Thy holy house, a house of divine covenants and everlasting promises. May those who enter it cast off the cares of the world and labor here with an eye single to Thy glory. Wilt Thou pour out upon their heads knowledge of things divine and eternal. May they be strengthened in faith and testimony and grow in worthiness before Thee.

Smile upon Thy faithful saints and prosper them as they live honestly with Thee in the payment of their tithes and offerings. Bless their homes that love and peace may abide with them. Bless them that they shall not lack the good things of the earth and that they shall feast upon the peaceable things of heaven. Bless this nation where is found Thy temple, and its sister nations, that these may be lands of freedom and peace, and may their people walk in righteousness that they may be deserving of Thine overseeing power.

Save these nations from war and oppression, and may their people look to Thee and open their doors and hearts to Thy messengers of eternal truth. Tens of thousands have walked reverently through this sacred structure. May the impressions of their visits stir within them a desire to learn more of Thee and Thy purposes with reference to Thy children. May they seek and find and learn.

May the dedication of this temple usher in a new era for Thy work in all of Scandinavia and Finland. Bless the missionaries and lead them to those whose hearts are inclined unto the truth.

Bless the officers of the stakes, wards, and missions. Sustain and inspire the president of the temple and his counselors, the matron and her assistants, and all who have responsibility in Thy holy house. Give them strength and vitality, and a great love in their hearts for those who come here to serve Thee and to do that work which must be done if Thine eternal purposes are to be realized.

Beloved Father, we remember before Thee Thine appointed servant, President Spencer W. Kimball. He is loved by Thy people. We pray for him, our dear prophet. Wilt Thou hear our prayers and answer them with a blessing upon his head. Bless all who are associated with him in this glorious latter-day work.

Father, we pray that Thou wilt bless Thy cause in all the world. Smile with love upon Thy people wherever they may be found. May the spirit of Zion grow in their hearts. May they look to Thee and live. Bless the officers of Thy work in every land and bless Thy faithful saints each one that testimony of Thee and Thy Beloved Son may grow and mature in the hearts of all, and become as a bulwark against every adversary that may beat upon them.

Almighty God, the Father of our spirits, accept our thanks. Pour out Thy healing influence upon us. May love for Thee and Thy Son grow in our hearts and may we reach out in love one toward another. Forgive our sins and strengthen us against evil. Magnify us in our service in Thy great cause and bless us as we seek to build Thy kingdom, we humbly pray as Thy thankful sons and daughters, in the name of Thy Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.