Dedicatory Prayer

Tokyo Japan Temple, July 3, 2022

Our Father in Heaven, Thou who created the heavens and the earth and all things, we praise Thee and glorify Thee. We come before Thee in the name of Thy Beloved Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ, to rededicate this sacred Tokyo Japan Temple unto Thee, our living God.

We are grateful that Thou didst send Thine Only Begotten Son to this earth to be our Savior, our Redeemer, and our Exemplar. He makes possible our journey back to Thy presence with our families—including both our descendants and our ancestors—to live forever in happiness and light.

We are thankful for the Restoration of Thy Church with the keys and power of the holy priesthood and the ordinances and blessings offered in sacred temples of God across the world.

We are grateful for the hundreds of skillful and talented architects, designers, crafts people, and construction workers who have created this beautiful renovation and remodeling of the Tokyo Japan Temple.

We pray Thee to bless the structure, the walls, the ceilings, the floors, the windows, the lighting, the physical systems, and every article or object used in holy ordinances administered here.

Father, we ask thee to preserve the beauty of the ornamentation, the art, and the fine work of every kind that has been added in this renovation. Bless and sanctify the grounds that surround this temple to keep it a haven of peace.

Please protect this temple from anything that might cause it harm in any way. Shield it from the upheavals prophesied in the last days.

Now we pray for Thy blessings upon Thy people, on the faithful missionaries who invite Thy children to come unto the Savior and choose the only way to come unto Thee. With great faith, we implore Thee to guide the missionaries in Japan and throughout Asia to find those who are seeking the happiness available to them only through covenants with Thee, made through sacred priesthood ordinances.

Father in Heaven, bless and strengthen the faith of the rising generation of Latter-day Saints in the challenging times ahead. Guide them in the strait and narrow path that leads to life eternal. Stir in their hearts a desire for eternal marriage in the temple of God. Give them hope and determination to be worthy of that great blessing.

Father, bless the members of Thy Church who come into this temple that they may gain a desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone they meet. Give them determination to keep the promise they made at baptism: “To stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life” (Mosiah 18:9).

We ask a blessing on all who serve in this temple, that they may cultivate a sure testimony that this is Thy holy house. Give them the assurance that the Lord will guide and prosper them. Endow the temple president, his counselors, the temple matron, and her assistants with gifts of wisdom and discernment. But above all, bless them with charity, the pure love of Christ, for all who come into this sacred place.

Strengthen us as a people that we may stand steady in our faith in Jesus Christ. Help us to keep our covenant to always remember Him.

We ask Thee to confer upon us the spirit of Elijah. We promise that we will respond by taking the names of our deceased and beloved ancestors to the temple to offer to them the opportunity for eternal life and exaltation.

By the power of Thy holy priesthood, we rededicate this building and all that pertains to it to Thee as a house of prayer, a house of worship, and a place of eternal covenants. May Thy glory rest upon it, we pray in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, amen.