Step by Step

Building Schedulers

Please refer to this article for the latest changes to Calendar.

Role and Responsibilities

The building scheduler must be assigned to a specific building using the Building Schedulers option in the calendar.

Building schedulers are responsible for overseeing events related to their assigned location, but they do not schedule stake or ward events. The stake and ward calendar editors schedule their own events and reserve the needed building and rooms without contacting the building scheduler. If the building scheduler schedules events directly on the building calendar, it will indeed reserve the building, but the events will not be seen on the stake or ward calendars, on the Member Tools mobile app, or on third-party calendars that sync events. If members ask building schedulers to schedule the building for Church events, schedulers should encourage the members to instead contact a stake or ward calendar editor to create an event on a stake or ward calendar, which also reserves the building.

At times the building scheduler will create events on the building calendar that are not associated with events on stake or ward calendars, such as family events, facilities work, and so on.

Building schedulers monitor the events being scheduled and make sure they conform to handbook and other local building policies. They can help resolve scheduling conflicts. They have the ability to make appropriate changes to events associated with the building, even events on stake and ward calendars, assisting the editors of the various calendars.

Creating Building Events

Building calendars display all events scheduled in the building, even from multiple wards. Viewing them helps calendar editors find available time slots for their events. Building schedulers create events on building calendars that are not associated with a stake or ward calendar.