Please refer to this article for the latest changes to Calendar.
Normally, calendars are set up to allow stake and ward leaders, including auxiliary leaders, to be calendar editors for certain calendars. You can determine if you are a calendar editor by clicking on the plus icon in the calendar toolbar. If it takes you to the Add Event page, you are an editor for the calendars listed in the calendar pull-down menu. If you are not an editor of any calendar, a message appears explaining this. If this occurs, contact your clerk.
Calendar editors place items on their calendars by creating events. Creating an event with a specified Church location will reserve the specified building and rooms for the event. You do not need to contact a building scheduler to do this for you. Before you schedule an event, it’s helpful to know whether the desired location’s rooms are already scheduled by another group. Do this by displaying building calendar events on your main calendar. The color of the building circle helps you find these events. Click on an event to see which rooms are reserved.
To create a new event, either click on the desired day on your main calendar or use the plus icon in the calendar toolbar. Enter a short title. If you share the building with another ward, it is recommended that you use your ward name abbreviation to start your title: for example, “SH2 Choir Practice.” Select the desired calendar name, and fill in the other fields to describe the event and to specify date and time. To reserve the building, click on Church Facility, and select the desired building. This will also put the event on the location (building calendar). The setup and cleanup times reserve the building rooms for that period but are not displayed at the start and end time of the event. It is helpful to add the event organizer for people to contact if they have questions about the event.
Try to be aware of other events taking place at the same time. The system will not let you schedule an event for the same room at the same time as another event; however, it also will not warn you about other types of conflicts, such as scheduling a ward Young Women meeting at the same time as a stake Young Women meeting, or scheduling a basketball game in the cultural hall at the same time as a quiet meeting in the chapel. Use the location calendar to see what is scheduled in the building.
You have the option to send out email reminders for the event. They are sent out only to those who have asked for them on the Choose Calendars page. The reminders get sent out near the time chosen but can be delayed. They also may end up in users’ junk folders.
When you click Save, an error message will be displayed if there is a scheduling conflict with another event. You can choose another date or time or work out the scheduling conflict with the event organizer of the conflicting event.
After an event has been created, you can edit the event by clicking on it and going to the details. There are others authorized to edit your event, including any of the calendar administrators (leadership) and the building scheduler. The name of the last person to modify the event is recorded and displayed at the bottom of the event details.
You can set an event to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. After the repeating event is created, you can edit the series for exceptions to the repeating event. The Every field allows you to skip days, weeks, or months. For example, Every 2 Weeks would be used for an event scheduled for every other week.
For example, to create a monthly repeating bishopric youth committee meeting every third Sunday from 8:30 to 9:30, set the start and end times, select Event Repeats, select Monthly, select By Day, enter 1 in Every, select 3rd, select Sunday, and set the date or number of occurrences when the repeating series should end.
Save the repeating event. If there is a scheduling conflict for any of the individual days in the series, an error will be displayed and the repeating event will not be created. You may need to create multiple repeating events to work around the conflict. Once you have successfully saved the repeating event, check your calendar to make sure the event is repeating correctly. You can also make an exception in the repeating series. For example, if the event is not held in December, edit that specific event in December, and attempt to delete it. You will be given the option to delete only that specific occurrence.