Please refer to this article for the latest changes to Calendar.
Locations are managed at the stake level by stake calendar administrators. Calendars for Church-owned buildings are automatically created. A building calendar is automatically created when a newly finished building starts to be occupied. Never create a location calendar for a Church-owned building or you will end up with duplicate calendars. Many stakes have made this mistake, and instructions can be found below to solve this problem. Also, never use a stake or ward calendar as a building calendar.
Stakes may have other locations in addition to buildings, such as a pavilion, a ball field, or a recreational property that can be scheduled. You can create a custom location that can be scheduled by wards within your stake as well as by wards from other stakes.
The calendar system uses information from the Physical Facilities system to understand which buildings are assigned to stakes and which wards attend the buildings. When Physical Facilities makes updates to their system, it may take up to two days to be reflected in the calendar system.
For stake calendar administrators, select the Locations and Rooms option from the calendar gear menu to manage locations. The locations that can be scheduled by your stake and wards are listed on the Locations and Rooms page.
The first section of this page lists the locations managed by your stake.
The next section of this page lists the locations managed by other stakes. At least one unit in your stake has scheduling rights to these locations.
When you click on a location name, you are taken to the Location Details page. In order for a building to be scheduled, it needs to be set up from this page and have scheduling turned on. Important steps include:
When you have made your updates, click the Save button.
Many stakes have incorrectly created duplicate building calendars by creating a custom location for a Church-owned building. Once they notice their mistake, they often disable the Physical Facilities building calendar and continue to use the custom building calendar. This can cause confusion over time and often results in calls to Church headquarters when wards move between buildings, when new wards are created, and when stakes are realigned. For custom locations, the automatic scheduling rights for units will not work as wards move in and out of the building. Stake leaders change callings, and new leaders are stuck wondering why these custom building calendars were created.
These are the steps for a stake calendar administrator to migrate a custom building calendar to its proper Physical Facilities building calendar:
For a newly created stake, the Locations and Rooms page should be reviewed to make sure Physical Facilities has properly assigned the correct buildings to the new stake and assigned the right wards to those buildings. The calendar is updated automatically based on Physical Facilities updates.
When a ward is created, Physical Facilities should assign the ward to the correct building. The ward then automatically has rights to schedule that building if the stake is not using a custom calendar for the building. Check the location details to make sure the new ward is listed.
To assign your ward to a different building, your Physical Facilities group needs to update their records in a system called FMAT. The ward then automatically receives rights to schedule the new building. Ward calendar editors should migrate their future events to the new building.
Once the Boundaries and Leaders group at Church headquarters updates the Church Directory of Organizations and Leaders (CDOL), the ward will be assigned to its new stake. The ward receives automatic access to its new stake’s calendars. Those calendars automatically appear in the left pane. The stake calendar administrators for both stakes should check the details of the location the ward attends to make sure the ward appears correctly.
For a new building, Physical Facilities must perform two steps: assign the building to the correct stake and assign the correct wards to the new building in their system called FMAT. The occupancy date in their records must also have been passed. If the steps are performed correctly, you will see the building listed on the Locations and Rooms page in the correct list; in the Location Details you will see the correct wards assigned to the building. You will need to set up the new building’s rooms, building scheduler, and so on. See above.
When the decision is made to assign a different stake as the agent stake for a building, Physical Facilities updates their records accordingly in their system called FMAT. The receiving stake will then have edit rights for the building on the Locations and Rooms page. A new building scheduler that resides in the receiving stake needs to be assigned in Location Details. You should review which units can schedule the building.
If a custom location was mistakenly used for this building by the other stake, the custom building calendar cannot be moved to the receiving stake. The receiving stake should set up the proper Physical Facilities building calendar, and all future events will need to be edited to move to the proper building.