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The Donations application on ChurchofJesusChrist.org allows you to access your donation history in real time and also allows you to print your own donation statements. To make a donation, visit donations.churchofjesuschrist.org.
You can start using the Donations application by navigating to donations.lds.org or by going to the My Account and Ward menu on ChurchofJesusChrist.org at the top right corner of the page. Click My Account and Ward and then the Donations link under the My Ward section. You will be prompted to use your Church Account username and password to access the system.
The Donation History page is offered in the following languages: Albanian, Armenian, Bulgarian, Cebuano, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Thai, Tongan, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese. Please select your preferred language in your Church Account profile.
Donation History (donations.churchofjesuschrist.org)
This page allows you to see all your donations, including those made in your current ward or branch as well as contributions made in any previous wards or branches you attended. You can view your donations for specific date ranges and categories, such as tithing, fast offerings, or the ward missionary fund.
In Summary view, you can see and print a list of your donations for the current or previous year, or you can enter a custom date range. The list shows:
In Category view, you can see and print a list of your donations by donation category for the current or previous year, or you can enter a custom date range. The list shows:
You can set custom date ranges by following these steps.
To view the details of any donation, simply click the donation in the list. A familiar yellow donation slip will appear with the details of your donation.
You can view and print donor statements applicable to your area.
The Official Tax Statement is a tax-valid statement that you can use when preparing your tax return. Statements can also be generated for past years to replace those that may have been printed out but later lost. To print a statement:
The Statement of Contributions will include all the contributions you have made during the selected period, regardless of country, currency, unit, or donation category. You can print a statement for the current or previous year, or you can select custom dates. To print a statement:
You can set custom date ranges by following these steps.
You can select statements you have generated yourself or statements the Church pre-generated for your convenience. To view and print a generated statement, click the name of the statement and then click Print. The statement will print as a PDF, using the print functionality in your browser.
In Settings, you will be able to review your name, member record number, email address, and other information specific to you. You will be able to change the settings for automatic email notifications, select whether or not your spouse’s name appears on donation slips and donor statements, allow your spouse to see donations made under your name, and decide whether your financial statements need to be printed by your ward.
The Donor Details section shows your name, address, ward or branch, stake or district, member record number, and email address. To make changes to your name, address, or assigned ward, branch, stake, or district, contact your ward or branch clerk. You can make changes to your email address and preferred language through your LDS Account.
The Preferences section allows you to select whether to display your spouse’s name on donation slips and donor statements, to authorize your spouse to view your donations, and to print your own donation statements or have your ward print them for you.
To add your spouse’s name to donation slips and donor statements:
(NOTE: While your spouse’s name may appear on donation slips and statements, donations are recorded to individual membership records.)
To authorize your spouse to view your donations:
Selecting this option will allow your spouse to view your donations when he or she logs in to the Donations page, and it will also generate donor statements for both spouses.
If you will print your own donation statements, click the My financial statements do not need to be printed by my Ward check box. If you do not check the box:
(NOTE: The process to obtain Official Tax Statements varies significantly by country. Please contact your ward clerk for additional information on how the process works in your country.)
To display the welcome screen each time you enter the Donations site, click the Display welcome screen when entering online donations check box.
The Notification Preferences section displays your email address and gives you the options of receiving email notifications with updates and general information.