Step by Step

Photo Upload Guidelines

Policy and Principles

Before uploading photos of individuals and families, please verify the following:

  • The member has the right to display the photo. Verify that there is no copyright infringement, especially regarding professional studio photographs.
  • The photo does not display trademarks or the intellectual property of others. The photo should not appear to promote products or services, nor should it display registered marks.
  • All individuals in the photo have given their consent to its posting. If an individual is a minor, the minor’s parent or legal guardian must grant consent.
  • The photo complies with Church standards. The photo does not express opinions or make political statements, and it is in compliance with Church standards, including modesty and honesty.
  • The photo should accurately depict the individual. The photo should not be modified to alter the individual’s appearance. It should not impersonate others, be a caricature, and so forth.
  • If you elect to use a Mobile Temple Recommend you authorize the Church to collect, store, and process your individual photo which will be used to identify and ensure you are authorized to access or enter any temple worldwide. To learn more about our privacy practices, please see our Privacy Notice (Updated 2021 04 06).