undefined undefined Printers and Copiers Overview
Step by Step

Printers and Copiers Overview

Printers and copiers have a wide variety of purposes in the meetinghouse. Teachers often need copies for lesson materials. Ecclesiastical leaders need printouts of reports. Clerks need to print limited-use recommends. It’s important that printers and copiers be available and functioning to meet these needs.

Resource centers and clerk offices are common locations for printers and copiers. The technology specialist (TS) is responsible for encouraging ecclesiastical leaders to cut down on printer and copier costs. The bulk of the total cost for printers and copiers comes from using and maintaining the machines. Consider the following infographic:

A graphic for breaking down the printer/copier costs for Church Meetinghouse.

Approximately 75 percent of the cost of a printer or copier comes from maintenance. Encourage members to use digital communications rather than printouts wherever possible. Do not replace ink or toner right when the warning light appears—wait until the ink or toner is completely used up.



  • Replace paper, ink, and toner
  • Dispose of ink and toner cartridges


  • Coordinate the replacement of printers through the facilities management group (FMG)
  • Erase hard drives on copiers before disposal

Note: Often these tasks are performed by ward clerks and resource center specialists, and the TS will not need to get involved. Please refer to the owner’s manual to perform these duties correctly.


  • Purchase the right sizes of printers, multifunction printers, and copiers for meetinghouses
  • Set up printers or copiers for members to use
  • Set up the clerk’s printer
  • Replace printers and copiers as needed


  • Warranties fall under the jurisdiction of the FMG, not individual units. Units are not permitted to purchase warranties for printers or copiers.
  • Members are not authorized to purchase printers and copiers for their own buildings.
  • Ink is not to be replaced until the print quality has diminished. Many printers encourage users to replace ink cartridges well before it is necessary.
  • When performing needed maintenance, use the device manual as a reference to avoid costly mistakes.


  • Before calling for supplies and services, be sure to have the following information ready:
  • Unit number
  • Printer make and model
  • Serial number
  • Wards and stakes in North America can obtain service and supplies by calling 1-800-537-7192. You will be connected to a service provider. They will know that the call is from a Church unit, and they will provide service and billing according to established contracts.
  • Paper, toner, and other consumables are to be purchased with ward or stake budgets.
  • Wards and stakes outside North America should contact their local FMG regarding copier supplies or services.


For general printer problems, please look for solutions from the list below before contacting your local FMG for repairs and replacements.

  • Go to the website of your printer’s brand to download a digital copy of your printer’s user manual.
  • After troubleshooting a clerk computer, if problems persist, contact the Global Service Department at 1-801-240-4357.