Step by Step

Quarterly Report Line Descriptions

The “Actual,” “Potential,” and “Percent” information shown on the Ward and Branch Quarterly Report is based on information from the membership records assigned to your ward or branch at the end of the quarter. Prepopulated information cannot be changed. Please record missing “Actual” and “Percent” information in the appropriate field. To calculate missing “Percent” information, divide the “Actual” number by the “Potential” number, and multiply by 100. A description of some of the Quarterly Report questions and categories is provided as needed.

Indicators of Conversion and Church Growth

Line 1

Members who have ever been sealed to a spouse compared to members currently married or, if single, those whose most recent marriage ended because the spouse died.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 2

Endowed members with a current temple recommend.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 3

Males ages 18-25 serving or who have served a full-time mission.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 4

Adult males holding the Melchizedek Priesthood.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 5

Prospective elders advanced to the Melchizedek Priesthood. Members advanced during the quarter.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 6

Young men with priesthood office appropriate for their age.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 7
Average sacrament meeting attendance. Record sacrament meeting attendance each week it is held using LCR or Member Tools. Include in your count all individuals, including nonmembers, who attended sacrament meeting.
Line 8

Converts baptized and confirmed in the last 12 months. Converts whose membership records are assigned to your unit.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 9

Adults and youth who submitted ancestor names for temple ordinances.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.


Line 10
Total members. A count of membership records assigned to your unit at the end of the quarter, including those:
  • Baptized and confirmed.
  • Not baptized and confirmed, but who are younger than age 9 and have a membership record. (Note: Individuals who are 9 years of age or older and not baptized and confirmed are not included in any Quarterly Report categories.)

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 11

Total families. The number of households in your unit at the end of the quarter.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 12
The number of ministering brother companionships interviewed during the quarter as recorded by the elders quorum.
Line 13
The number of ministering sister companionships interviewed during the quarter as recorded by the Relief Society.


Line 14
Melchizedek Priesthood holders attending priesthood, Sunday School, or Primary meetings. Record Melchizedek Priesthood holders and visitors attending priesthood, Sunday School, or Primary meetings using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.
Line 15
Prospective elders attending priesthood, Sunday School, or Primary meetings. Record prospective elders attending priesthood, Sunday School, or Primary meetings using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.
Line 16
Women attending Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, or Primary meetings. Record women (including visitors) attending Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women or Primary meetings using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.
Line 17
Young single adults attending priesthood, Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, or Primary meetings. Record young single adults attending priesthood, Relief Society, Sunday School, Young Women, or Primary using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.


Line 18
Young men attending priesthood and Sunday School meetings. Record young men and visitors attending priesthood or Sunday School meetings using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.
Line 19
Young women attending Young Women and Sunday School meetings. Record young women and visitors attending young women or Sunday School meetings using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.
Line 20

Youth with a current proxy baptisms and confirmations temple recommend.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.


Line 21

Children ages 0 through 2 years (as of 1 January). The number of children ages 0 through 2 years as of 1 January of the report year.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 22
Children ages 3 and older attending Primary. Record children attending Primary meetings (including visitors) using the Class and Quorum Attendance tool in LCR or Member Tools.

Converts (past 12 months)

Line 23
Converts attending at least one sacrament meeting last month. This information is calculated by the clerk who records the convert’s sacrament meeting attendance in the convert detail section.
Line 24
Converts age 12 and older assigned a Church responsibility or calling. This information is calculated by the clerk who records the convert’s calling or responsibility information in the convert detail section.
Line 25

Convert males age 12 and older ordained to appropriate priesthood office.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.

Line 26

Converts age 12 and older who have submitted ancestor names for temple ordinances.

This information is provided by Church headquarters.