Policy and Principles
After tithing and other donations are received each Sunday, a member of the bishopric and the clerk assigned to finances, ward clerk, or two members of the bishopric record and account for these donations.
The bishop, branch president, or one of his counselors receives all donations from members.
Together, the clerk and a member of the bishopric or branch presidency:
- Open all envelopes.
- Verify the amounts.
Using MLS:
- Enter the amounts contributed by each donor.
- Verify totals, authorize the transaction, send the donation information, and print the donations reports.
Prepare the bank deposit.
File the donation documents.
Deposit the money at the bank.
LCR Procedures
Below are the most common procedures for recording and approving donations. Some procedures may vary slightly.
Please note: Both approvers must be at the same device used to record the donations.
- In Leader and Clerk Resources (LCR) click the Donations tab.
- The Batch Date will display today’s date.
- Click the Donor field and select the appropriate donor.
- Fill out the “Tithing and Other Offerings” form on the left side of the screen using the information from the donor’s paper form.
- Fill out the “Reconcile Donation” information on the right side of the screen. Type in the check number and amount and the monetary amounts.
- If the amounts on the two sides do not match, recheck the donation and make sure the information is entered correctly.
- When the “Difference” shows $0.00, click Save & Add New Donation.
- Repeat until all received donations have been entered.
- Under the forms is a display of all the donations entered in this batch.
- These donations can be reviewed by clicking on each one individually, which will allow any necessary changes.
- If these are all correct, click Continue.
- The Review Donations screen is displayed.
- Each donation can be reviewed by clicking on the donor name, which will show the donation to allow for any necessary changes.
- After reviewing the donations, click the “I verify that the tithing and other contributions have been recorded properly” box. Then click Continue.
- Note: Until the amounts display correctly, adjustments will need to be made before the green check marks will appear. To make any necessary changes, click the hyperlinks, which will show more details for the donations and amounts.
- The Balance Donations screen is displayed. Make sure that checks, direct deposits, and monetary amounts are correct. Make sure the “Funds Total” is accurate and the “Difference” shows $0.00. If both have green check marks, click Submit.
- The first approver will then be logged out of the system. A second approver will need to log in to check for accuracy.
- The second person will go to the Donations Approval screen, click the “I verify that the tithing and other contributions have been recorded properly” box, and then click Approve.
- The batch is complete. Click Print Report to print the Donation Batch Report.
- In the “Donation Summary” tab, a new batch entry with today’s date will be displayed. The status will show “In Progress” until the batch is approved.
- File the Unit Copy of the Deposit Report in the ward or branch files with the Tithing and Other Offerings forms and the Donation Batch Report. Place the Bank Copy of the Deposit Report in the envelope with the money for deposit in the bank.