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A referral is a request for someone to be taught by local missionaries. Some people refer themselves through websites like ComeUntoChrist.org or when visiting Church sites such as pageants and visitors’ centers. Others are referred by missionaries or members who know the person.
As a ward mission leader, you share responsibility with the full–time missionaries to ensure that individuals referred to your ward are promptly visited by the full-time missionaries and are supported by the ward as they learn about the gospel. With the ward council, you assign appropriate ward members to help teach and fellowship each person referred.
To help you with your responsibilities for referrals:
To access Referral Manager, visit: https://missionary.lds.org/referrals and log in using your Church Account username and password.
The following are the basic features of Referral Manager (numbers on the screenshot coincide with descriptions below):
On the Referrals Sent and Referrals Received lists you can:
Keeping the referral status up to date helps the referring member, missionaries, and Church leaders know that the referred person has been contacted and is being cared for. To update a person’s referral status:
If a referral was incorrectly assigned to your ward, you can reassign it in Referral Manager. Go to the person’s record, and do the following:
When you reassign a referral, a notification will be sent to the assigned missionaries and ward or branch mission leader.