Note: These instructions are related to the Gospel Library Online found on the Church’s website. These instructions may not reflect existing functionality, placement, or labels that are used in the Gospel Library mobile app. While many things are identical, there may be some differences.
Basic Study Set Information
What is a Study Set?
Creating a new study set provides the same experience as starting a new paper copy of the Book of Mormon or Bible, but digitally and across all content in the Gospel Library. And just like you can return to an old set of paper scriptures, you can quickly switch between sets to access your old highlights and notes. Study Sets allows you to have a fresh start to your highlights and notes so you can focus on a specific topic or a new year of study.
What features does a Study Set include?
A Study Set includes any highlights, notes, cross links, and notebooks that have been made on content within the Gospel Library.
Bookmarks and tags are separate from a study set and will not disappear as you switch between sets.
Where will I have access to my Study Sets?
Study Sets are currently available in the Gospel Library found on They are not yet available in the Gospel Library mobile app. This means any study set created in the Gospel Library online will not be visible in the app. However, your highlights and notes made in a study set on the website should still show up on the mobile app alongside all your other notes and highlights. At this time, you can’t yet narrow in on the newly created study set on the app, which means you will see all your notes and highlights at once.
How can Study Sets help improve my personal study and lesson preparation?
The possibilities for improving your personal study with Study Sets are endless. Study Sets can be a great way to start a new year of study, focus on a specific topic like “attributes of Christ,” or separate lesson preparation from personal study.
All these uses can provide opportunities to hide past highlights and notes so there are no distractions from new revelation you are receiving.
Do I have to use Study Sets?
No. Study Sets is an optional feature. Any highlights or notes you add to your study will automatically save to the default set, so you don’t need to create a Study Set to ensure your personal annotations are saved.
How can I see my notes and quickly search them for a specific note I know exists?
The easiest way to search your existing notes is through the Notes tool. You can access this tool from the main Gospel Library page, by selecting the Notes tile at the bottom of the list.
Once inside the Notes tool, you can search all your notes and review them in one easy location.
Using Study Sets
How do I know which Study Set I am in?
You can view what study set you are currently marking by opening the Study Sets menu and looking for the study set with the blue circle next to it. This will indicate which study set is active.
How do I switch to a different Study Set?
Open the Study Sets menu and select the study set that you want to be your active set. You are now in the selected study set.
I was in the wrong Study Set when I made a highlight or note. How do I move it to the right study set?
If you want to move a note:
Select the Note icon from the right side of the content that you want to move. This will open the right-side panel to view the full note.
Click on the three dots in the upper corner.
Select Move from the menu.
Choose the study set that you want to move the note to.
Click Move.
Highlights cannot be moved to another Study Set but can be deleted and remade in the correct study set.
Can I have a note or highlight in two different sets?
A Study Set is made to function as an individual clean slate. Currently, there is no way to sync notes or highlights across two or more different sets.
If you’d like a note or highlight to appear in two different sets, you can simply copy the text within the note, switch to another study set, remake the highlight, then paste the copied text.
How is a study set different from a Notebook or a Tag?
A Study Set is a fresh set of content to mark up for your personal study or lesson preparation.
A Notebook resides within a Study Set and is one way of organizing your notes and highlights.
A Tag is typically used to group different notes and highlights by topic. The use of tagging may come in handy when searching through your notes and can be a great way to keep things organized.
Every person will have a different way of organizing their notes and highlights, which is why Gospel Library offers multiple options.
Do I have to use Study Sets?
No. Study Sets is an optional feature. Any highlights or notes you add to your study will automatically save to the default set, so you don’t need to create a Study Set to ensure your personal annotations are saved.
Creating and Editing
How do I create a new Study Set?
Creating a new study set is simple.
Click on the Study Sets icon.
Click +Add Study Set.
Enter a name for the study set.
Click Save.
You are now ready to use the new study set.
What is the “Default Set”?
The default set is the original study set created when you first made personal annotations like highlights, notes, tags, and crosslinks. The default set cannot be renamed or deleted.
How do I edit the title of a Study Set?
You can edit a title from the Study Sets menu:
Click on Edit.
Click the title of the study set you want to rename.
Rename or adjust the title as desired.
Click Save.
How do I reorder my Study Sets?
You can reorder your Study Set list, from the Study Sets menu:
Click on Edit.
Click on the three lines located to the side of the study set. This will turn your mouse into a hand. Without releasing, drag the study set to be in your preferred location or order.
How do I delete a study set?
You can delete sets from the Study Sets menu:
Click on Edit.
Click the Trash Can icon next to the name of the study set you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Confirm your choice to Delete the study set.
Please be aware, once you delete a study set, it cannot be restored and all highlights, notes, and other annotations connected to that study set will be removed.
Can I duplicate a set?
No, there is no way to create a copy or duplicate of a study set.