undefined undefined Understanding Study Sets
Step by Step

Understanding Study Sets

Note: These instructions are related to the Gospel Library Online found on the Church’s website. These instructions may not reflect existing functionality, placement, or labels that are used in the Gospel Library mobile app. While many things are identical, there may be some differences.

Basic Study Set Information

What is a Study Set?
What features does a Study Set include?
Where will I have access to my Study Sets?
How can Study Sets help improve my personal study and lesson preparation?
Do I have to use Study Sets?
How can I see my notes and quickly search them for a specific note I know exists?

Using Study Sets

How do I know which Study Set I am in?
How do I switch to a different Study Set?
I was in the wrong Study Set when I made a highlight or note. How do I move it to the right study set?
Can I have a note or highlight in two different sets?
How is a study set different from a Notebook or a Tag?
Do I have to use Study Sets?

Creating and Editing

How do I create a new Study Set?
What is the “Default Set”?
How do I edit the title of a Study Set?
How do I reorder my Study Sets?
How do I delete a study set?
Can I duplicate a set?