undefined undefined What Is an Unsupported Browser and How Do I Fix It?
Step by Step

What Is an Unsupported Browser and How Do I Fix It?

What is an unsupported browser?
An unsupported browser is a browser that is out of date and may not provide you the best experience.

By being on an unsupported browser, you may experience the website in an unexpected way.

What do I do to fix it?
If you are currently on an unsupported browser or received the message that you were trying to access the site from an unsupported browser, the best thing to do is update the browser to the most current version available. This will allow for the best experience on the website.

Every browser may have a different way of providing an update. We recommend doing a search on a search engine of your choice (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) for “How do I upgrade my browser?” and follow the steps provided.

What if my computer or phone won’t let me update to the latest browser version?
Sometimes your device will not have the storage space available to support the update required. Unfortunately, when this happens, the only solution is to upgrade the device. We understand this may not always be possible.

What if I can’t update my device or browser?
The basic version of Gospel Library on the website will allow a simplified experience to access the core gospel content of the Church. While this will provide a limited experience, it will still allow you to read things like the scriptures and general conference talks from your device while connected to the internet.

What can I expect from the basic version of Gospel Library Online?
By switching to the basic version, you will lose the ability to sign in and access the study features like highlighting, taking notes, etc. You also will be limited to just the content that resides in Gospel Library. However, you should have a better experience that will allow you to navigate and read the content provided.