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A daytime view of the Concepción Chile Temple and surrounding grounds.

Temple Appointments

Schedule your next temple appointment online. Not all temples are scheduling appointments online.

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Temple Prayer Roll

Submit names of individuals who are sick or otherwise afflicted and are in need of the faith and prayers of temple patrons. Names remain on the prayer roll for two weeks.

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Learn how to use online donations and have access to your donation history, submit a tithing or fast offering donation, or view your statements—all with a few clicks.

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Study the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine and Covenants. Find scripture study ideas, listen to the scriptures on Gospel Voice, and more.

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Conference Center

General Conference

Browse audio, video, and text of current and past general conferences.

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Cover of the publication Come, Follow Me.  Living, learning and teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ.  For Primary.

Come, Follow Me

Browse and study the current Come, Follow Me lesson.

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People sitting inside a chapel have sacrament meeting or another church meeting. A young man is holding a hymn book.

Hymns and Sacred Music

Sacred music can enhance gospel study and worship in your home, both individually and with your family.

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Portrait of Jesus Christ standing alone and smiling.

Ordinances Ready

This FamilySearch tool can help you easily identify available ordinances for a person in your family tree.

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Computer Keyboards

Church Account

Update your personal information, communication preferences, and security settings.

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A woman lays on top of a bed. She is reading. In her hands is the Saints Volume 2 book: No Unhallowed Hand. She appears to be in her room.


Read the inspiring true story of the women and men who dedicated their lives to establishing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the globe.

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Temple Clothing

Purchase Temple Garments

Log in to view and purchase temple clothing including garments, ceremonial clothing, and white clothing.

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2018 RootsTech General Session: Interior Shoots


The world’s largest family history conference, brought to you by FamilySearch.

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Ghana: Computer Work

Help Center

The Help Center provides links, video training, and orientation on donations, the online store, administrative callings, and ministering assignments in the Church.

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Scripture Study in Chapel

Gospel Library Notes

Review your notes and highlights from the Gospel Library.

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In front of a backdrop of screens showing the new mission presidents and companions participating remotely at home, the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pause for a photo together before the start of the second day of the 2021 Seminar for New Mission Leaders on Friday, June 25, 2021, in the Conference Center Theater.

Global Leadership of the Church

Learn more about the prophet and President of the Church, his counselors, the Apostles, General Authorities, and General Officers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Three young women from the Philippines, wearing dresses and skirts, walking down the street.

Update Ministering Assignments

This tool within the Leader and Clerk Resources website enables leaders to view and update ministering assignments for members of the ward.

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Guam: Youth Activity

Training Report: Protecting Children and Youth (for leaders)

Members who work with children and youth are required to complete the Protecting Children and Youth Training every three years. This report shows the status of completion for each individual.

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Music Library

Browse the music collection of the Church, including special events, concerts, performances, Hymns, the Children’s Songbook, and more.

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LDS jobs

Talent Network

If you’re looking for Church employment or just wanting to share your experiences, skills, and talents, join the Talent Network. Church hiring managers and recruiters are often looking for potential matches for job openings.

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Cayo remains grateful for the opportunity he had to share the gospel with his friend. “I believe the Lord does everything He can so we can truly, honestly, and deeply change,” Cayo says. “I saw that change in Anthony.”

Introduce Friends to the Missionaries

When you have a friend who would like missionaries to reach out to them, simply submit their contact information here. The missionaries will stay in close contact with you throughout the referral process.

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MySeminary provides a report for leaders of youth registered in seminary in their ward and their progress toward graduation.

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Rome Italy Temple: Sealing Room

My Ordinance Preparation

Prepare for your endowment and sealing temple ordinances.

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Unit History

Capture your ward or stake history by creating stories in the Unit History tool.

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Blue Chat Icon

Global Service Department Chat Support

Chat live with customer service agents in the Global Service Department to receive help with Church tools.

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Various interview settings between Church leaders and individual members are seen and evaluated for safe, supportive, and secure practices to protect Latter-day Saints who may have suffered abuse.

Handbook Abuse Interview Training

Various interview settings between Church leaders and individual members are seen and evaluated for safe, supportive, and secure practices to protect Latter-day Saints who may have suffered abuse.

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Various youth attend a Sunday School class in their New Orleans ward, Thibodaux. There are young men and young woman participating in the class.

Record Attendance

Ward leaders can record attendance for second hour classes in the Leader and Clerk Resources website.

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Magazine Subscriptions

Subscriptions to Church magazines are available in Braille, talking book format, and hard copy. Here you can start, renew, or cancel your subscriptions all in one place.

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Temple Worker with a Cart

Temple Worker Portal

In the Temple Worker Portal, temple workers can find information regarding their calling, including their schedule, training progress, and help finding substitutes.

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Video Camera


Read or watch the latest stories, news releases, press releases, official statements, and other news of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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Seminary Enrollment by Unit (for leaders)

View the list of young adults already enrolled or able to enroll in seminary from your ward or branch.

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The Student

PEF Student Portal

Learn how to apply for a Perpetual Education Fund (PEF) loan. Submit an application for a PEF loan or make payments on an existing loan.

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Seminary and institute students, parents, instructors, and administrators can manage class enrollment, attendance, and more—all in one place.

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Series of images of youth at seminary and walking to early morning seminary in Brazil

Seminary and Institute Reports

Record attendance, manage your classes, and view reports for your current institute or seminary classes.

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Sam serving his ward as Assistant Financial Clerk

Budget Details (for leaders)

The Budget Details report provides information regarding how a unit is using their finances across a range of categories and for different time periods.

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Bishop�s Interview

BYU Ecclesiastical Endorsement System

Students and leaders can view and approve ecclesiastical endorsements for BYU in Provo, Utah.

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Various people are working in a library on their family history in Taiwan.

Family History Activity Report (for leaders)

The Family HIstory Activity report offers leaders a summary of the engagement of members of their unit--youth and adults--in family history activities and compares that level to previous years.

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Adult church class with teacher

Print Attendance Rolls (for leaders)

Print attendance rolls for any ward or branch organization.

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Two year old boy feeds birthday cake to his mom.

Birthday List Report (for leaders)

The Birthday List report provides leaders with a list of birthdays for a given month and can be further defined by organization and by multiple months.

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South Africa.  Men sitting around a laptop computer in a church office counting Rands for tithing/fast offerings. (South African Rand - currency)

Ward Statistics Report

View information from the ward statistics report.

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A senior missionary couple in Mexico at the Church employment resource center.

Church Service Missionary System

Church employees and stake and ward leaders can view and track submitted Church Service Missionary (CSM) applications.

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France: Bishop's Interview

BYU-I Ecclesiastical Endorsement System

View and approve ecclesiastical endorsements for BYU Idaho. For students and leaders.

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A youth sits down. In their hands is a Children and Youth Temple Recommend Holder for Youth.

Temple Recommends for Proxy Baptisms and Confirmations (for leaders)

Leaders can access the recommend interview questions for proxy baptisms and confirmations. They can also fill out an online recommend for proxy baptisms and confirmations and print it.

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Create a Record

Create new membership records for infant blessings and for children seven years or under.

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Sacrament meetings

Sacrament Meeting Attendance (for leaders)

View and update sacrament meeting attendance online.

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Baptism and Confirmation Form (for leaders)

Fill out the Baptism and Confirmation Form to be recorded in your local ward or branch.

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Illustration of a confirmation

Aaronic Priesthood Ordination Form (for leaders)

Fill out the Aaronic Priesthood Ordination Form to be recorded in your local ward or branch.

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Church members

Ward Callings by Organization

Review all the callings and their various descriptions in your ward or branch, grouped by each organization—from children and youth to administrative specialties and more.

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Table with boxes for missionaries in office of LDS Humanitarian Center. (horiz)

Online Store—Track Order Status

View details, look at order history, or track order status.

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Ghana: Computer Work

My Home Dashboard

Personalize your dashboard settings to include upcoming stake and ward events, schedule temple appointments, add a name to the temple prayer roll, study the current lesson, and more.

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Antique Microphone (radio)

Talk Radio Stream

Listen to inspirational messages, speeches, talks, and podcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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