A successful indexing activity includes the following: 

  1. Introduction on the background and purpose of indexing. This could include showing the Indexing is Vital video (download here), excerpt of Elder Bednar’s promise to the youth (found here), or another apostolic video (found here).
  2. Experienced indexers (one for every two or three youth attending). It is essential to have people in the room who are able to help the youth along the way as they learn the basics of indexing. The youth seem to learn best by jumping in and learning as they go, but need to be able to ask questions as well.
  3. Computers (one for every two or three youth attending). You can group the youth and have them work together if there are not enough computers for each person.
  4. Computer Preparation:
    • Pre-download the indexing program on each computer
    • It is highly recommended that each computer also has a batch or two already downloaded (try to find batches in the beginning or intermediate levels)
    • Both these actions will decrease the need for more internet bandwidth, which will make the full experience more positive
  5. Reference the Youth Activities page for more information on an indexing activity.

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