How the Priesthood Was Restored
“The performance of every ordinance of salvation comprising our covenant pathway back to the presence of our Father in Heaven requires appropriate governance through priesthood keys.”—Elder Gary E. Stevenson
Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery’s detained firsthand accounts of the restoration of the priesthood were written several years after the appearance of John the Baptist, but both published and unpublished sources written closer to the event itself corroborate their memory.
Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood
Multiple sources describe the restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
The Priesthood Restored
A Joseph Smith Papers Podcast
“I Will Take It in Faith”
George Rickford waited for years until all worthy men could be ordained to priesthood offices.
Saints, “Fellow Servants”
“On May 15, 1829, … Joseph and Oliver walked into the woods near the Susquehanna River.”
The Restoration of the Priesthood Authority and Organization
The Lord restored authority and organization as the Church grew.