Restoration of the Work to Gather Scattered Israel

President Russell M. Nelson: The Gathering of Scattered Israel
“The choice to come unto Christ is not a matter of physical location; it is a matter of individual commitment.”

The Gathering of Israel
“Zion exists wherever individuals gather together into the true fold of God.”

Saints, “Come Life or Come Death”
“As more people joined the new church, the immensity of the Lord’s commission to take the gospel to the world weighed on Joseph.”

Early Missionaries
“Missionary work began while the Book of Mormon was still being published, and steadily gained momentum.”

Samuel Smith: Missionary to Prophets
“Samuel Smith was called as the first missionary of the newly organized Church.”

This Grand Opportunity: Elizabeth McCune and the First Sister Missionaries
Not many know the story of how the first full-time, single, sister missionaries were called to serve in the 1890s.

The Growth of Missionary Work
Missionary work has grown steadily as Saints have carried out the scriptural command to take the gospel to the world.