Gospel Living

Abram and Sarai become Abraham and Sarah.

10 Feb 2022 | 1 min read
A Quick Thought from Come, Follow Me (Genesis 12-17; Abraham 1-2)
(From Genesis 12–17 and Abraham 1–2)

When Abram was 99 years old, he had a conversation with the Lord that changed his life completely—so completely that when it was over, he wasn’t even named Abram anymore! Here are some key points of the story:

  • The Lord renamed him Abraham, meaning “father of a great multitude.” This reflects the Lord’s promise that he would be “a father of many nations” (Genesis 17:4) as Abraham lived his covenants.
  • Abraham wasn’t sure how that promise was going to be fulfilled, because his wife, Sarai—now named Sarah (“princess”)—was 90 years old!
  • But Sarah did have a child, even at that age. His name was Isaac, and he would eventually become the grandfather of the twelve tribes.

So what does this have to do with us today? Well, for one, it teaches us that the Lord often makes promises that seem impossible to our mortal minds. And yet He always keeps those promises as we stay faithful.

When life is hard, remember that God has promised YOU glorious things! Eternal happiness in the next life, and more peace in this life, will be yours as you stay close to Him.

Promises Fulfilled

Ask a faithful parent or leader when they’ve seen a promise of the Lord fulfilled. He always keeps His promises, in His time!

10 Feb 2022 | 1 min read