Activity: The Book of Mormon Experiment

30 Dec 2020 | 1 min read
Book of Mormon Experiment Videos


Help people understand that the Book of Mormon testifies of God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Activity Suggestion

As you conduct the activity, ensure that your group is respectful and complies with all local laws and civic regulations.

Before the activity, meet as a group and assemble the materials you will need:

  • highlighters
  • pens
  • clipboards

You will also need to make copies of random pages from the Book of Mormon. When you copy the pages, it may be helpful to enlarge them to make it easier to highlight. On the back of each page, write “”

Then, as a group, set up a small display at a public location such as a park, city street, or college campus, and ask people passing by if they’d like to try the “Book of Mormon Experiment.” Explain that you have a random page from the book; the experiment is for them to read the page and find if it mentions God or Jesus Christ.

If the person accepts, give them a copied page from the Book of Mormon on a clipboard, along with a highlighter. Give them a few minutes to read the page and mark wherever God or Jesus Christ are mentioned. After the person has read and marked the page, ask what they thought about it. Be sincere and listen carefully to what they say. You might offer to write down what they share on the back of the page they marked; afterward, give them the highlighted page to take with them.

If anyone expresses interest in learning more about the Book of Mormon, ask if you can share their contact information with the full-time missionaries. (If the person agrees, be sure to get their information to the missionaries as soon as possible.)

Adaptation Ideas

  • Before the activity, ask the youth to consider what they could say if a participant in the experiment wants to hear more about the Book of Mormon. What is important to say when talking about the Book of Mormon to someone who doesn’t know much about it? What words or phrases should we use (or not use) to avoid confusion?
  • If you are not able to conduct the activity in a public place, you can do the same activity with your own group. Invite volunteers from your ward to participate in the experiment, and invite the youth to practice sharing their testimony of the Book of Mormon with them. Afterward, invite the volunteers to share what they learned.
  • If you cannot find volunteers to assist with the activity, you can also conduct the experiment with just the youth. Invite the youth to open their personal copy of the Book of Mormon to a random page. Then invite them to highlight every time that God the Father or Jesus Christ are mentioned. What do they find?

Please adapt activities as necessary to ensure all individuals are able to participate, belong, and contribute.


Encourage youth to talk about how what they are learning can help them and others grow closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Discussions can take place before, during, or after the activity and should last just a few minutes. You could ask questions like the following:

  • How is the Book of Mormon the keystone of our religion?
  • How can you know what to say when you bear your testimony?
  • What are some other ways you can share the gospel?

Related Resources


    Try this activity with your family, class, quorum, or friends.

    30 Dec 2020 | 1 min read