Jesus Christ Instructs His Disciples
Gospel Living

An activity all about our Savior.

09/24/24 | 1 min read
Perfect to share with your family or class!

The Book of Mormon tells the story of people in the ancient Americas who got to see the Savior face to face! It’s wonderful that we have a chance to read that record.

But we don’t have to wait to see Him to get to know our Savior! Here’s an activity that can help you understand more about who He is.

1. Get several paper bags.
2. Put an object in each bag that represents the Savior.
3. Tape a note onto each object explaining how it represents Him. For example:

  • Bandaid: The Savior helps us heal from sorrow and pain.
  • Plant: The Savior created this world for us.
  • Stone or brick: The Savior helps us carry our burdens and grow stronger from our trials.
  • Flashlight: The Savior is the Light of the World who gives us hope.
  • Bread: The Savior is the Bread of Life who nourishes us eternally.
  • Friendship bracelet: The Savior called Himself our Friend! He’s always there for us.
  • Soap: When we repent, the Savior can spiritually wash us clean from sin.

4. Invite each family or class member to take a turn choosing a bag, pulling out the item, and reading the note. Talk about times when you’ve felt the Savior help you in that way.

Maybe you could also sing a hymn about the Savior! Here’s a link to the new songs that have been recently released by the Church.

The Savior loves you. Your life will be blessed as you keep trying to get to know Him better!

More Ideas

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