Imagine you’re doing a household chore like cleaning your room... or worse—the bathroom! It’s messy and smelly, but it needs to be done. While you’re busy, when you least expect it, you get a spiritual experience like you’ve never had before: a visit from an angel!
This is what happened to Mary Whitmer. Joseph and Emma Smith and Oliver Cowdery were staying with Mary and Peter Whitmer while they finished translating the Book of Mormon. This made bustling farm life even more stressful for Mary, who was caring for a large family. But she believed in Joseph’s work and pushed on without complaining.
One day, when she was at the barn—probably finishing another smelly farm chore—a stranger approached her. He had grey hair and carried a pack. She was a little alarmed, because he seemed to have come out of nowhere, but his voice was comforting.
“I am Moroni,” he said. He knew she was tired from all her extra work, he told her, and because of her faith and diligent effort, he would show her the plates. He hoped it would uplift her and strengthen her faith.
He pulled the plates out of his pack and held them out for her to see. He turned each page. Moroni promised that if she would be faithful and carry these extra burdens a little longer, she would be blessed.
Like in this story, God is aware of the sacrifices you make for Him and His work, and He will bless you for them. If you haven’t received your witness or testimony of the Book of Mormon yet, don’t worry. Keep reading. Keep praying. Keep working.
God did not forget Mary at the barn. And He won’t forget you!
Read the full account of Mary Witmer’s witness in chapter 7 of the book Saints.