Just ask Alora!
Did you take any notes during general conference? One young woman named Alora said that she couldn’t put her pen down!
“By the end, I had pages full of notes and—more importantly—I felt like I grew closer to the Savior,” she said.
Here’s the specific process that worked well for her. She:
- Wrote down some questions that she kept with her notes during conference.
- Looked back on them after every session.
- Found that these questions were being answered bit by bit! By the end of conference they were fully answered.
She felt conference helped her make one really important decision: to serve a mission after she graduates from high school!
“I hope that all the youth had some helpful revelations draw them closer to their family, friends, and most especially Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven,” she said.
Thanks so much for sharing, Alora! Send your conference thoughts and a picture to youth@ChurchofJesusChrist.org. We’ll keep sharing these responses in upcoming weeks!