Gospel Living

Goal: Develop Your Spiritual Gifts

16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read
Argentina: Young Man


Heavenly Father has blessed you, and each of His children, with unique spiritual gifts. Your gifts are just right for you, as the gifts given to others are specifically meant for them. As you learn about your personal gifts and work to develop them, you’ll draw closer to Heavenly Father. You’ll also be in a better position to serve others with your talents and perspective.

Goal Ideas

  • Learn what spiritual gifts are and why Heavenly Father gives us these gifts. As you read the scriptures, notice the spiritual gifts the people have and how they use them. You might want to mark passages about these gifts in your scriptures or keep a list on a separate piece of paper.
  • Fast and pray to know the spiritual gifts that God has given you. If you’ve received your patriarchal blessing, it might mention some of your spiritual gifts. You can also ask family or friends to help you recognize your unique gifts. Look for ways to use and develop these gifts. As you do, write down ways you notice Heavenly Father’s help.
  • Is there a specific spiritual gift you want to develop? Write in your journal what you need to do to develop that gift.
  • Recognize spiritual gifts in the people around you. As you do, record what you learn. You may want to talk to these people about how they have developed these gifts or how they use them to help and serve others.
  • How can you use your spiritual gifts—or gifts you want to develop—to serve others? Make a list of ideas, and then choose one to work on.

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    16 Nov 2019 | 1 min read