2024 Quick Thought from Come Follow Me
Gospel Living

Everyone, yes everyone, is welcome!

10/09/24 | 1 min read
Sacrament meeting is open to all.

When the Savior introduced the sacrament to the Nephites, He was very clear that no one should participate in taking the sacrament unworthily.

He also said that people who refuse to repent of their sins “shall not be numbered among my people”—which is to say, they can’t be members of His Church (3 Nephi 18:31).

But He was just as clear that even unrepentant sinners and people who are no longer Church members are still welcome to attend sacrament meeting!

“Ye shall not forbid any man from coming unto you when ye shall meet together,” He said.

Instead of shunning them or turning them away, we should “continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent” (3 Nephi 18:22, 32).

And if you feel unworthy to take the sacrament yourself, talk with the bishop. He’ll let you know if you need to take a time-out from partaking of these sacred emblems. This pause is a gift—a chance to repent and start again.

Unless you’re the bishop, it’s none of your business who does or doesn’t take the sacrament. What is our responsibility is loving and welcoming anyone who wants to worship with us at Church!

Invite Someone

Try inviting someone to come to Church with you! Even if they say “no,” extending the invitation is a success.
