Gospel Living

Forgiveness doesn’t mean putting up with getting hurt.

03/16/22 | 1 min read
You can be a forgiving person and still set boundaries.

One of the hardest things the Lord asks us to do is forgive others.

“Of you it is required to forgive all [people],” He said in Doctrine and Covenants 64:10.

But what if the other person isn’t sorry? What if they still hurt us?

Forgiveness doesn’t mean things automatically go back to the way they were before. We should learn from our experiences. We can work toward forgiving someone and still feel prompted by the Spirit to stay away from them.

As Elder Jeffrey R. Holland put it, the Lord “did not … say, ‘In order to forgive fully, you have to reenter a toxic relationship or return to an abusive, destructive circumstance.’”1

So don’t be afraid to set some boundaries! That means saying no to activities and people who hurt you. Instead, say yes to those who inspire and build you up. You deserve kindness and respect.

To Think About

Do your friends respect your boundaries, or do they push you to do things you don’t want to do?


1. From “The Ministry of Reconciliation,” general conference, Oct. 2018.
