Some religions have “confessional booths” in their churches, where people go to confess their sins to priests. They believe that they are then able to be forgiven. In those congregations, there’s no shame in visiting a confessional booth—everyone uses it, because everyone is imperfect!
We also believe in forgiveness! But we don’t have to use a physical booth. We can pray anytime, anywhere, and ask for God’s forgiveness. For most bad choices, we can try to make things right and move on. But if we feel stuck, like we can’t get rid of our feelings of guilt, we may need to talk to our bishop for help. He has the keys to help us.
Like the confessional booth, there is no shame in us needing to repent. Learning from our mistakes is part of life. We should talk with God each day in prayer and ask for His forgiveness and help.
The Savior is always eager to welcome you back. Always.